Qucs-S provides a fancy graphical user interface for a number of popular circuit simulation engines. Qucs-S contains libraries for schematic capture, visualization and components. The following simulation kernels are supported:
- Ngspice (recommended)
- Xyce
- SpiceOpus
- Qucsator (non-spice)
See the https://ra3xdh.github.io/ for more details. Qucs-S is based on original Qucs code: https://github.com/Qucs/qucs
Use CMake to build Qucs-S. Install all necessary dependecies: GCC, Qt, and SPICE (optional). For Ubuntu launch the following command to install developement tools:
sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev qtscript5-dev libqt5svg5-dev
Install ngspice
that is not needed for build but serves as the simulation kernel.
sudo apt-get install ngspice
Then clone this git repository and execute in the top directory:
mkdir builddir
cd builddir
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your_install_prefix/
make install
Where /your_install_prefix/
is desired installation directory. Substitute any
desire path (for example $HOME/qucs-s
) here. You may omit this option and
installation steps. Default installation directory will be /usr/local
is not defined.
Then run qucs-s
executable to launch the application:
cd /your_installation prefix/bin