A Phoenix application that consists of two parts:
- JSON converter API endpoint
- Endpoint that use the GitHub Search API with pagination to find all the repositories that match the query
To run this project, you will need to install the following dependencies on your system:
To get started, run the following commands in your project folder:
mix deps.get # installs the dependencies
mix phx.server # run the application.
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
To run the tests for this project, simply run in your terminal:
mix test
Example usage:
curl --location --request POST "http://localhost:4000/api/converter" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"0\":
[{\"id\": 10,
\"title\": \"House\",
\"level\": 0,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": null}],
[{\"id\": 12,
\"title\": \"Red Roof\",
\"level\": 1,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 10},
{\"id\": 18,
\"title\": \"Blue Roof\",
\"level\": 1,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 10},
{\"id\": 13,
\"title\": \"Wall\",
\"level\": 1,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 10}],
[{\"id\": 17,
\"title\": \"Blue Window\",
\"level\": 2,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 12},
{\"id\": 16,
\"title\": \"Door\",
\"level\": 2,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 13},
{\"id\": 15,
\"title\": \"Red Window\",
\"level\": 2,
\"children\": [],
\"parent_id\": 12}]}"
Github search:
Example usage: