Use apt to download deb packages and all dependencies. All debs will be saved at ./download/ build offline apt source. install offline apt source.
dpkg-dev is needed.
sudo apt install dpkg-dev
To download debs for vim,lrzsz and make,just run:
cd ./bin
./apt-deb-downloader -d vim
./apt-deb-downloader -d lrzsz
./apt-deb-downloader -d make
or run
cd ./bin
./apt-deb-downloader -i ../data/test_input_file.txt
then all debs will be saved at "./bin/download/".
after download debs, run
cd ./data
sh ./
then it output offline-apt-packages.tar.gz
after build out offline-apt-packages.tar.gz, run
cd ./data
sudo sh ./
it will install offline-apt-packages.tar.gz as apt source.