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Initial stable release

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@lindyhopchris lindyhopchris released this 31 Jul 19:55
· 173 commits to main since this release

Finally, our initial stable release. Yes there's more features to work on, but this package is definitely production ready - so here at last is a stable release!

Upgrade Instructions

composer require laravel-json-api/laravel --no-update
composer require laravel-json-api/testing --dev --no-update
composer up laravel-json-api/* cloudcreativity/json-api-testing


  • New relationship filter classes: Has, WhereHas, WhereDoesntHave. Refer to the filter documentation for details.


  • BREAKING: Countable Relationships. This feature is now turned off by default. Although included in the 1.0 release, this feature is not considered production-ready. This is because we plan to make breaking changes to it, which will change how the client requests countable relationships. As such, this feature is considered highly-experimental and developers must opt-in to it by calling the canCount() method on a relationship. Refer to the Countable relationships chapter in the documentation for more details.
  • BREAKING: Cursor Pagination. Laravel now has its own cursor pagination feature. We have therefore moved our implementation into its own package: laravel-json-api/cursor-pagination This change has been made because it makes sense for the in-built cursor pagination implementation to use Laravel's cursor pagination implementation rather than our own custom one. Support for Laravel's cursor pagination will be added during the 1.x release cycle. If you are already using our cursor implementation, you can migrate in two easy steps:
    1. Install the new package: composer require laravel-json-api/cursor-pagination
    2. In any schemas using the cursor pagination, change the import statement
      from LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Pagination\CursorPagination to LaravelJsonApi\CursorPagination\CursorPagination.