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Laravel 10 on Valentine's Day

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@lindyhopchris lindyhopchris released this 14 Feb 19:59
· 60 commits to develop since this release


composer require laravel-json-api/laravel --no-update
composer require laravel-json-api/testing --dev --no-update
composer up "laravel-json-api/*" cloudcreativity/json-api-testing



  • Upgraded to Laravel 10 and set minimum PHP version to 8.1.
  • BREAKING If using the laravel-json-api/cursor-pagination package, you now need to passed the schema's id field to the paginator's make() method. I.e. use CursorPagination::make($this->id())


  • BREAKING #190 The JSON:API media type now needs to be sent in the Accept header for a "delete" resource request. Previously there was no checking of the Accept media type, so anything could be sent. This is incorrect as the JSON:API specification shows the Accept header as application/vnd.api+json for delete resource requests.