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- Front End Security: Web security vulnerability
- Characteristics Good Quality Code
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- Transpilers: Babel
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- Web
- Improve your logical-thinking
- Microservices
- AGILE & Scrum Master methodology
- Interesting stuff
- Media
- The 2023 Web Developer Roadmap
- The 2019 Web Developer RoadMap
- front-end-handbook 2019
- The 2018 Web Developer Roadmap
- front-end-handbook 2018
exercism Code practice and mentorship for everyone
Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding) Specialization
testing wetransfer simplest way to send your files around the world.
- The Net Ninja
- Fun Fun Function
- The Coding Train
- LearnCode.academy
- Coder’s Guide
- DevTips
- thenewboston
- Marchetti Design
- Codecourse
- Geek Gurl Diaries
- Git Free Documentation
- Git Tutorial
- Cool Game for learn GIT
- giteveryday(7) Manual Page
- Git User Manual
- LabEx Grep and Linux commands
- Basic Git commands bitbucket
- Git Commit Message Conventions
- Most commonly used git tips and tricks
- Version Control with Atlassian University
• Relevant legislation like GDP
• SQL injection attack
• Cross-site request forgery
• Insecure deserialization
• Sensitive data exposure
Google's Cross-site scripting (XSS) challenge
• Reusability
• Maintainability
• Modularity
• Testing and practices like test driven development
• Naming conventions and best practices like functions with a single task
• Functional principles, no side effects etc
• Readability
• Design patterns
• SOLID object-oriented design principles
• DRY mnemonic
- es6features
- New ES2018 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
- Something funny: A virtual “drum machine”
- JavaScript FOR KIDS JavaScript FOR KIDS - Holla!
- MDN JS Documentation
- Exploring ES2018 and ES2019
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani
- Javascript - Jupyter notebook
- Codecademy’s HTML and CSS course
- The Mozilla Developer Network’s Introduction to HTML
- Mozilla Webmaker
- html-can-do-that-con
- sassmeister
- Fluid Responsive Typography
- What is the difference between fixed, fluid, adaptive and responsive layouts -Estelle's Github
- csszengarden
- The most hearted of 2018 top 100 list of CodePen creations from 2018
- 101 Bash Commands and Tips for Beginners to Experts get comfortable on the command line.FANCY-BORDER-RADIUS
- cssbattle
- Introduction to Elm
- Life of an Elm File
- Developer Happiness on the Front End with Elm YT
- Elm Europe 2017 - Evan Czaplicki - The life of a file
- Elm Europe 2017 - Richard Feldman - Scaling Elm Apps
- Your First Python Program
- Best Online Django Video Tutorials (2018)
- Django Web Framework MDN -A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 1
- scala official website
- Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky- book
- Programming in Scala Forum
- Scala School!
- Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky- book
- Scala School!
- The 99 Scala Problems
- Scala Glossary
- Scala Blog
- Blog pchiusano
- Blog tmorris
- Scala Labs
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala - Coursera
- fpinscala
- hackerrank Functional Programming
- The Neophytes guide to Scala
- From ES6 to Scala
- Expressions - chapter 6 | plus Lexical Syntax,Identifiers, Names and Scopes, types, basic declarations and definitions, classes-and objects, implicits, pattern-matching, top-level definitions,XML Expressions and Patterns, Annotations, The Scala Standard Library,Syntax Summary,
- THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT Scala Exercises is an Open Source project for learning different technologies based in the Scala Programming Language.
- Learn PLAY FRAMEWORK with Mark Lewis
- netlify Deploy your site in seconds*
The reason for Microservices is speeding up development. It's just a architectural approach to designing applications in a way that's modular, easy to deploy, and scale independently.
- Kubernetes: Up and Running, Kelsey Hightower book
- Building Microservices: Defining Fine-Grained Systems book
- Martin Fowler on the Pro and Cons of Microservices
- 12-Fractured Apps - One of Carters favorites articles where Kelsey breaks down problems with many modern apps and how 12-factor app methodology solves those technical woes.
- Tim O’Reilly,"Open Data: Small Pieces Loosely Joined" or the history nerds: Quite possibly the first article about Microservices Architecture
- Adrian Cockroft "The Evolution of Microservices"
- Adrian Cockroft "The State of the Art in Microservices"
- Martin Fowler "Microservices" at goto
- Craig McLuckie "The Next Chapter in Native Cloud Computing" on cloud-native computing as being: container-packaged, dynamically-scheduled, and microservices-oriented
- Docker to package, distribute, and run our application.
- Kubernetes to handle the heavy lifting of managing, deploying, and scaling our application.
- Google Container Engine (GKE) is a hosted Kubernetes service
- Amazing interactive Tutorials
- Agile with Atlassian Jira Free - certificate with about 50£
- best practices kanban
- Free Training
- fullstack.cafe $$ not free
- Fuzzybrains Django Girls and DjangEurope
- Halfstack 2017 Videos
- yougotthis
- js13kgames
- developher
- Google Summer of Code
- Outreachy
- Hypatia Software
- Latinas in Tech
- People of Color in Tech
- Women Who Code
- LGBTQ in Technology
- The Recurse Center
- Trans*H4CK
- Women in Technology Slack group
- Women in Linux
- Richard tapia conference
- mozilla summer Interneship : We typically accept applications from September through March.
- Google Interneship
- Google scholarships
- Rails girls summer of code
- The Ultimate Guide to Apprenticeships (Or How To Find Your First Remote Job)
- elatt apprentices
- tpdegrees
- bpp-apprenticeships
- Financial Time Appreticeship
- softwire -estio UK
- Level 4 Web Development Apprenticeship Programme
- justit
- Guida alla scelta dell'annuncio di lavoro perfetto in Italia
- Glassdoor Uk
- Infojobs Italy
- Applygateway
- Talent.io
- Indeed UK
- Jobsite UK
- Monster
- Workinstartups
- Angelist - Join the world’s largest startup community
- cwjobs
- codebar.io/jobs
- cv-library Uk
- ziprecruiter Uk - also remote
- bubble - Find tech and digital jobs
- royalholloway - All Current Vacancies
- channelpeople
- hackajob
- jobmatrix
- wearesource
- jobbio