Trying to create my first game, Chess.
Creating it for gaining more knowledge and experience in this field of expertise and in "allegedly" big projects. My first project in this scale.
Just finished adding the Minimax algorithm for a Computer-Opponent experience. Still not finished 100% though, still have a few bugs here and there, but the overall experience is good! You can try it out! (Instructions are below)
At this stage, I feel great knowing I've developed something so challenging and complex (way more than I thought it would be!). Last thing to do is to change the simplified architecture to a full MVC application (Model-View-Controller). After that, the next step will be to add this platform to a new Android app (adding to iOS will happen sometime in the future), using the MVVM architecture (Model-View-ViewModel) and create an option for playing online (creating an account is one of the first priorities to focus on after migrating to Android).
All in all, it was an absolutely great experience and a huge challenge for me!
Thank you for looking into my project, hope you enjoyed my code!
For starting a GUI game, go to ui/game/ The game is played against the computer. After making your move, you'll have to left-click your mouse once for the computer to (think and) make a move.