DAMP is acronym for Docker/Apache/MySQL/Php
damp is a replacement of wamp/lamp/xamp based on multiple docker containers for your new or existing web projects. The skeleton provides 3 docker containers with Apache, PHP-FPM and MySQL.
damp gives you everything you need for developing web application. This complete stack run with docker and docker-compose.
Clone this repository, adapt the file .env according to your needs and start the script build.sh located in docker folder. Voila, your project is ready.
$ /bin/bash docker/build.sh
You can access the demo page via your browser at http://localhost:9000 to check if everything is working fine. I also include adminer.php to access mysql database at http://localhost:9000/adminer.php
- If you have an existing database to import, you can copy your SQL file(s) in docker/mysql/dump/ folder. (this will only work at the first run)
- You need to place the files of your website or web application in www folder.
When you finish to work, you can use the script destroy.sh to stop and delete the docker containers. All the files located in www, logs and database will remain.
$ /bin/bash docker/destroy.sh
The source comes from http://www.inanzzz.com