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This plugin allows Flutter apps to watch clipboard changes.
English | 简体中文
Platform | Support |
Linux | ✔️ Fully supported |
macOS | ✔️ Fully supported |
Windows | ✔️ Fully supported |
iOS | 14+ Needs user permission to read data copied from others apps Old versions are fully supported out of the box |
Android | 10+ Only works when the app is in the foreground Old versions are fully supported out of the box |
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
clipboard_watcher: ^0.2.0
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> with ClipboardListener {
void initState() {
// start watch
void dispose() {
// stop watch
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ...
void onClipboardChanged() async {
ClipboardData? newClipboardData = await Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain);
print(newClipboardData?.text ?? "");
Please see the example app of this plugin for a full example.
- Biyi - A convenient translation and dictionary app.
LiJianying 💻 |
Ademar 💻 |
Amritpal Singh 💻 |
J-P Nurmi 💻 |
Leo Peng 💻 |