PIM-DL is a deep-learning framework built on commodity DRAM-PIM products using LUT-based neural networks. This prototype is based on the UPMEM PIM-DIMM product.
1. Instructions for Artifact Evaluation
2. Installation
3. Model Calibration
4. Auto-Tuner
5. Inference Engine
We have provided many click-to-run scripts in the asplos24-ae
folder for conducting the majority of experiments mentioned in the paper, including the end-to-end performance (Fig. 10), performance analysis (Fig. 11), sensitivity analysis (Fig. 12), mapping space visualization (Fig. 13). Please refer to the README.md in the asplos24-ae
folder for detailed instructions.
The following sections will introduce how to reuse this repository beyond the artifact evaluation.
If you want to conduct model calibration, please run the following commands to install the packages required by the Python scripts:
conda create -n pim-dl -y
conda activate pim-dl
conda install python=3.11 -y
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
pip install accelerate transformers dataset gitpython tensorboardX datasets tensorboard scikit-learn evaluate safetensors numpy matplotlib
To conduct model inference on UPMEM PIM-DIMMs, please first follow UPMEM's SDK manual to set up the server and install the toolchain. Then, please run the following commands to clone the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then, please install the following Python packages:
pip install PyYAML
Finally, please run the following commands to compile the auto-tuner and the inference engine:
cd inference-engine
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
The source codes for model calibration are in the model-calibration
folder, which can convert the pre-trained transformer models to LUT-NN-based models. Before running conversion code, please first install the LUT-NN module using the following commands:
cd model-calibration
cd lutneuro
pip install -e .
Currently, we have evaluated LUT-NN conversion on Bert models for NLP tasks and ViT models for CV tasks, but the scripts can be used to explore other transformer-based models or other datasets (tasks). Here we provide the instructions on Bert/ViT models.
To convert Bert models into LUT-NN, please firstly run the following commands to pre-process the bookcorpus dataset:
cd model-calibration
python bookcorpus_generator.py [--store_tokenized_datasets]
--store_tokenized_datasets TOKENIZED_DIR
: Set the output directory to save tokenized datasets. The default directory is./bert_bookcorpus.token.128/
Then, please run these commands to convert the model on the bookcorpus dataset:
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 # adjust according to the GPUs you have
accelerate launch examples/run_lutrize_mlm_no_trainer.py
[--model_type] [--dataset_name] [--dataset_config_name] [--model_name_or_path]
[--per_device_train_batch_size] [--per_device_eval_batch_size]
[--log_steps] [--with_tracking] [--report_to] [--output_dir]
[--learning_rate] [--reconstruct_rate] [--weight_transpose]
[--max_seq_length] [--num_train_epochs] [--checkpointing_steps]
[--centroid_requires_grad] [--weight_requires_grad]
[--vec_len] [--ncentroid] [--nsharecodebook] [--distance_p]
--model_type MODEL_TYPE
: Model type to use. Currently we usebert
as the model type. -
--dataset_name DATASET_NAME
: The name of the dataset to use. Currently we usebookcorpus
dataset. -
--dataset_config_name CONFIG_NAME
: The configuration name of the dataset to use. The bookcorpus dataset is aplain_text
dataset. -
--model_name_or_path MODEL
: Path to bert model from huggingface. Currently we usebert-base-uncased
models. -
--per_device_train_batch_size TRAIN_BS
: Batch size (per device) for the training dataloader. The batch size is8
by default. -
--per_device_eval_batch_size EVAL_BS
: Batch size (per device) for the evaluation dataloader. The batch size is8
by default. -
--log_steps STEP
: Logging interval. The interval is500
by default. -
: If open this option, the logging trackers will be enabled. -
--report_to INTEGRATION
: The integration to report the results and logs to. Supported platforms aretensorboard
. Useall
(default) to report to all integrations. This option is only applicable when--with_tracking
is passed. -
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
: The location to store the final model. -
--learning_rate LR
: Initial learning rate (after the potential warmup period) to use. -
--reconstruct_rate RR
: Reconstruct rate to balance the model loss and reconstruction loss. -
: If this option is opened (default), the weight is transposed. -
--max_seq_length SEQ_LEN
: The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization. The preprocessed sequence length of bookcorpus dataset is128
. -
--num_train_epochs EPOCH
: Total number of training epochs to perform. -
--checkpointing_steps STEP
: The interval to save the various states, orepoch
for each epoch. -
: If this option is open, we require grad for centroids. -
: If this option is open, we require grad for weight. -
--vec_len VEC_LEN
: The length of the sub-vectors. -
--ncentroid N_CENTROID
: The number of centroids. -
--nsharecodebook N_SHARED_CODEBOOK
: The number of shared codebooks. Currently we do not share codebooks among different layers (i.e.,--nsharecodebook
). -
--distance_p P
: The norm for distance calculation. -
--load_tokenized_datasets DATASET_DIR
: Path to a tokenized dataset pickle file to load instead of tokenizing the dataset from scratch. This argument should be in consistent with the directory used for pre-processing datasets.
To fine-tune and evaluate the converted models on downstream tasks in GLUE dataset, please run the following commands:
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 # adjust according to the GPUs you have
accelerate launch examples/run_lutrize_glue_no_trainer.py
[--task_name cola] [--model_name_or_path] [--resume_from_pretrain]
[--per_device_train_batch_size] [--per_device_eval_batch_size]
[--log_steps] [--with_tracking] [--report_to] [--output_dir]
[--learning_rate] [--reconstruct_rate] [--weight_transpose]
[--max_length] [--num_train_epochs]
[--centroid_requires_grad] [--weight_requires_grad]
[--vec_len] [--ncentroid] [--nsharecodebook] [--distance_p]
--task_name TASK_NAME
: The name of the glue task to train on:mnli
. -
--resume_from_pretrain MODEL_WEIGHT
: The calibrated model weight you want to use. It should be asafetensors
The other arguments have the same semantics as listed above.
To convert ViT models into LUT-NN and evaluate the converted models, please run the following commands:
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 # adjust according to the GPUs you have
accelerate launch examples/run_luterize_image_classification_no_trainer.py
[--model_name_or_path] [--dataset_name]
[--per_device_train_batch_size] [--per_device_eval_batch_size]
[--log_steps] [--with_tracking] [--report_to] [--output_dir]
[--learning_rate] [--reconstruct_rate] [--weight_transpose]
[--num_train_epochs] [--checkpointing_steps]
[--centroid_requires_grad] [--weight_requires_grad]
[--vec_len] [--ncentroid] [--nsharecodebook] [--distance_p]
--model_name_or_path MODEL
: Path to ViT model from huggingface, e.g.,google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k
, etc. -
--dataset_name DATASET_NAME
: The name of the dataset to use, e.g.,cifar100
. -
: The calibrated model weight you want to use. It should be asafetensors
file. Set this option when you want to evaluate a calibrated model.
The other arguments have the same semantics as listed above.
Since UPMEM PIM-DIMM's floating point computation capacity is extremely low, we conduct INT8 quantization on the LUTs to deploy the models on UPMEM PIM-DIMM. To conduct weight conversion, please run the following commands:
python pim_weight_converter.py
[--weight_input_file] [--weight_output_file]
[--features] [--ncentroids] [--vec_len] [--nsharecodebook]
--weight_input_file INPUT
: The orginal model weight file you want to convert. It should be asafetensors
file. -
--weight_output_file OUTPUT
: The output file which saves the converted model weight. The converted weight is stored in Numpy'snpz
format. -
--features FEATURE
: The hidden dim of your model, e.g.,768
. -
--ncentroids N_CENTROID
: The number of centroids. It should be in consistent with your model config. -
--vec_len VEC_LEN
: The length of the sub-vectors. It should be in consistent with your model config. -
--nsharecodebook N_SHARED_CODEBOOK
: The number of shared codebooks. It should be in consistent with your model config.
Currently we only dump the weights of transformer modules after LUT-NN conversion into the output file. To dump other modules' weights, you can modify this script for further parsing the safetensor file.
We provide example bash scripts to run these model calibration scripts, which are saved in the model-calibration
folder. You can modify these bash scripts to fit in with your requirements. Besides, you can also refer to the parse_args
functions in these scripts to check all arguments you can adjust.
The source codes for model calibration are in the inference-engine/src/tuner
folder. The auto-tuner is stored in build/bin/tuner
after it is compiled as described in 3. Installation.
Please run the following command to tune single LUT kernel:
./build/bin/tuner 0 input_config_path output_config_path
In this command, input_config_path
is the input config file containing the workload and hardware settings. output_config_path
is the output config file with kernel parameters added. All config files are organized in yaml
format. We provide sample input (single_kernel_input_example.yaml
) & output (single_kernel_output_example.yaml
) files in the inference-engine/configs
folder for reference.
Please run the following command to tune all LUT kernels in a transformer model:
./build/bin/tuner 1 input_config_path output_config_path
In this command, input_config_path
is the input config file containing the workload and hardware settings. output_config_path
is the output config file with kernel parameters added. All config files are organized in yaml
format. We provide sample input (transformer_input_example.yaml
) & output (transformer_output_example.yaml
) files in the inference-engine/configs
folder for reference.
Currently the latency estimators in the auto-tuner is based on our UPMEM server (dual-socket Xeon 4210 CPUs, 128 GB DDR4 memory, and 8 PIM-DIMMs), which will vary under different server configurations. You can follow the latency profiling implementation in PriM Benckmarks to re-profile each part's latency and update these estimators accordingly.
The source codes for model calibration are in the inference-engine/src/dpu
and inference-engine/src/host
folders, which contain the PIM-side and host-side codes, respectively. Before running the following commands, please make sure you have finished installation as described in 3. Installation.
We provide three Python wrappers to run LUT-NN in different granularity.
Please run the following command to run single LUT kernel:
python run_amm.py [--amm_config_file] [--need_compile]
--amm_config_file CONFIG
: The config file (e.g.,single_kernel_output_example.yaml
) of LUT kernel. -
: If this argument is set, the PIM kernel of current LUT kernel will be compiled. (This is because UPMEM requires re-compile PIM kernel when the LUT kernel parameters are changed.)
Please run the following command to run single transformer layer:
python run_layer.py [--transformer_config_file] [--need_compile]
[--need_measure_energy] [--need_breakdown] [--breakdown_type]
--transformer_config_file CONFIG
: The config file (e.g.,transformer_output_example.yaml
) of the transformer model. -
: If this argument is set, the PIM kernels of current transformer model will be compiled. -
: If this option is on, energy consumption will be reported after finishing execution. Note that this option requiressudo
authority. -
: If this option is on, latency breakdown will be reported after finishing execution. -
--breakdown_type TYPE
: Set the latency breakdown type:0
: Breakdown latency among different operators.1
: Breakdown latency of the LUT kernel.2
: Breakdown latency of different LUT kernels in this transformer layer. This argument is only valid when--need_breakdown
is on.
Please run the following command to run a transformer model:
python run_model.py [--transformer_config_file] [--model_weight_file] [--need_compile]
--transformer_config_file CONFIG
: The config file (e.g.,transformer_output_example.yaml
) of the transformer model. -
--model_weight_file WEIGHT
: The weight file (dumped bypim_weight_converter.py
) of the transformer model. -
: If this argument is set, the PIM kernels of current transformer model will be compiled.
Currently we only implement the transformer blocks in the model. You can refer to other GGML-based transformer implementation (e.g., bert.cpp) to add the token embedding layers and LM head layers.