This is the supplimentary code used for our research paper entitled "Weak-Key Analysis for BIKE Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism" (authored by Mohammad Reza Nosouhi, Syed W. Shah, Lei Pan, Yevhen Zolotavkin, Ashish Nanda, Praveen Gauravaram, Robin Doss). The paper is accessible on IEEE Xplore
- This paper appears in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
- Print ISSN: 1556-6013
- Online ISSN: 1556-6021
- Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3264153
Please cite the paper as:
Nosouhi, Mohammad Reza, Syed W. Shah, Lei Pan, Yevhen Zolotavkin, Ashish Nanda, Praveen Gauravaram, and Robin Doss. "Weak-Key Analysis for BIKE Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. DOI:10.1109/TIFS.2023.3264153. (2023).
title={Weak-key analysis for {BIKE} post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism},
author={Nosouhi, Mohammad Reza and Shah, Syed W and Pan, Lei and Zolotavkin, Yevhen and Nanda, Ashish and Gauravaram, Praveen and Doss, Robin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
notes={In press},
Please follow the below steps:
The repository contains three sub-folders - i.e., Key Generation, Encryption, Decoding.
For reproducibility, first of all, go to Key Generation folder and run the 'Key_Gen_modified.m' file [Note that,
parameters need to be set, the sample code setsr = 10009
andw = 142
]. This code will autiomatically save the corresponding keys in the same folder (i.e., as 'private_keys.txt' and 'public_keys.txt'). -
Then, generate the ciphertexts by going Encryption folder and running 'Encryption_automated_2.m' - Note that, the 'public_keys.txt' needs to be copied in this folder for successful generation of ciphertexts. Also note that, 'r' and 't' parameters needs to be set appropriately. The sample code sets
r = 10009
andt = 134
. The code will automtically save the generated ciphertexts in 'cipher.txt' file. -
Finally, go to Decoding folder, and run 'BGF_Decoder_Automated_Matrix_Based.m'. Note that, all the needed function are contained in the same folder. 'cipher.txt' file and 'priavte_keys.txt' generated in previous steps needs to be copied in this folder.
parameters needs to be set appropriately. The sample code setsr = 10009
andt = 134
NOTE: The sample *.txt files that contains 'public keys', 'private keys', and 'ciphertexts' are for parameters (r
, w
, t
) specified above. Appropriate changes need to be made to these parameters for analysing the varying values of these parameters.