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1. 定制的GeneralLog解析工具

解析查询日志,获取SELECT、DELETE、UPDATE、INSERT 语句执行情况(opensource by xiepaup)

此工具目前简单粗暴: 使用目的: 1.能够获得一段时间内表上执行 SELECT、DELETE、UPDATE、INSERT 次数,以及DB使用情况 2.标红执行占比大于40% 的表,直观反应不合理请求。 3.能够反应整个业务是否分配均匀,是否存在不合理业务在刷DB


Usage : python general.log 10:10:10
-- 参数解释:
-- general.log : 需要解析的general log 日志文件
-- 10:10:10    : 文件结束时间(这个时间目前没有记录再文件里,只能手动输入囖)

[root@xxxxx-000 xa]# python scripts/ general-log-2016-08-08.log 17:59:12 
- - - This Time Total Monitor 548 seconds 
- - - As Follow is Top 15 Execute Table Statistic Info 
- - - General Log Execute Between 17:50:04 and 17:59:12
- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
- SELECT total Executed : 833532
| 序列号 |执行占比 | 每秒执行 | 总执行次数| 执行表名 |
| 1 | 75.32% | 2820.90 | 44332 | xxxxxxxxxxx| --- 这种明显不合理咯 
| 2 | 4.99% | 75.94 | 41614 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 
| 3 | 4.96% | 75.52 | 41383 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 
| 4 | 4.89% | 74.35 | 40746 | xxxxxxxxxxx|

INSERT total Executed : 18281
| 序列号 |执行占比 | 每秒执行 | 总执行次数| 执行表名 |
| 1 | 8.60% | 2.87 | 1572 | xxxxxxxxxxx| 
| 2 | 8.57% | 2.86 | 1566 | xxxxxxxxxxx| 
| 3 | 8.24% | 2.75 | 1506 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| MySQL回滚工具

####使用说明: 混滚误操作语句:update js_landing_page set goodsflowkey='zdy_cps_kai_si_sheng_yang',sort=5 where sort=6;

1.首先拿到 这行这条语句的开始时间以及结束时间: 
2.其次拿到 js_landing_page 这张表的表结构,在一个测试db 上建好一个空表 
3.把对应的binlog scp 到具有 该回滚脚步的服务器上 
4.执行脚步得到 反解后的结果 

####说明: 该脚本先是完全利用mysqlbinlog 工具解析出这个binlog 里边的内容 然后再到脚本层面过滤掉 filter,得出反解结果


| |____redis-cli-new
| |____redis-cli-new.c
| |
| |____goopsrc
| | |____rdb
| | |____mem
| | |____aof
| |
| |
| |____redis-audit.rb
| |____redis-sampler.rb 统计redis key类型数据大小分布

原理:使用redis命令: scan、pipline、type 和 debug object 来得到 redis key 信息
统计时间:[Fri Jul 29 17:06:29 2016 ~ Fri Jul 29 17:06:29 2016] 

|KEY TYPE | KEY COUNT | KEY 64(byte) | KEY 128 | Key 512 | Key 1024 | Key 2048 | Key 3072 | Key 4096 | Key 5120 | Key 6044 | Key large | 
| String | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 
| LIST | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 
| HASH | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| SET | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 
| ZSET | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

2. redis-cli-new 可以通过指定 --bigkey-numb ,得到各种类型大key TOP N

VITOXIE-MB1:src xiean$ ./redis-cli-new -p 2837 --bigkeys --bigkey-numb 3

Biggest string Key Top 1 found 'xxxG_NEWMATCH_VOD_DATA_7f7a2a2fb5f780a13fecd9f1e51bdf8a' has 53170 bytes 
Biggest string Key Top 2 found 'xxxG_NEWMATCH_VOD_DATA_a9758560d1874493c637dec0753909da' has 53159 bytes 
Biggest string Key Top 3 found 'xxxG_NEWMATCH_VOD_DATA_d0971977b0ce028141e53b020b93d822' has 53156 bytes 

Biggest list Key Top 1 found 'UserPostInfo122_632xdfd64' has 11028 items 
Biggest list Key Top 2 found 'xxxG_FriendCallBack_PushList_23' has 1973 items 
Biggest list Key Top 3 found 'xxxG_FriendCallBack_PushList_20' has 1824 items 

Biggest set Key Top 1 found 'a20160923wechat_SendAlarmScript_15' has 228936 members 
Biggest set Key Top 2 found 'UserPostRepeat1407_UserPostHash1407_14' has 7 members 
Biggest set Key Top 3 found 'errorcode:xxxG_livedata_errorlog_set' has 3 members 

Biggest hash Key Top 1 found '2017PushData_xxxG_90' has 650650 fields 
Biggest hash Key Top 2 found '2017PushData_xxxG_94' has 645498 fields 
Biggest hash Key Top 3 found '2017PushData_xxxG_97' has 643985 fields 

Biggest zset Key Top 1 found 'xxxG_video_UserSubscribe_12_Sort' has 79865 members 
Biggest zset Key Top 2 found 'xxxG_UnifiedAuth_iApiId_6_20170619' has 79568 members 
Biggest zset Key Top 3 found 'xxxG_video_UserSubscribe_18_Sort' has 53192 members

comment: you can compile on redis source 3.2 code ~

osperftools 操作系统诊断工具,性能挖掘.

| | |____perf-stat-hist
| | |____uprobe
| | |____kprobe
| | |____iolatency
| | |____reset-ftrace
| | |____execsnoop
| | |____opensnoop
| | |____killsnoop
| | |____cachestat
| | |____bitesize
| | |____tpoint
| | |____functrace
| | |____syscount
| | |____funcslower
| | |____iosnoop
| | |____tcpretrans
| | |____funccount
| | |____funcgraph
| |____iolatency
| |____execsnoop
| |____opensnoop
| |____killsnoop
| | |____tpoint
| |____syscount
| |____disk ---> bitesize
| |____iosnoop
| | |____cachestat
| |____kernel
| | |____kprobe
| | |____functrace
| | |____funcslower
| | |____funccount
| | |____funcgraph

Twemproxy 命令支持列表:

性能测试工具: 1、cpu 和内存测试工具用geekbench 2、网络使用netperf测试 3、redis 使用 redis-benchmark 4、mysql 使用 sysbench


About-MySQL/Linux/Redis Tools






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  • Python 78.3%
  • Rich Text Format 5.3%
  • Shell 4.7%
  • C 3.4%
  • Perl 3.0%
  • Roff 2.5%
  • Other 2.8%