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Project name: Automating the transcriptomics analysis
Author: Fernando Delgado

I. Objective: To Automate the transcriptomics analysis using Snakemake (a workflow-engine).

II. Software and environment:
A. List of software:

1. FastQC v0.11.8
2. Trimmomatic 0.38
3. hisat2 version: 2.1.0
4. htseq version: HTSeq-0.11.2
5. conda (version: 4.5.12), where the followings will be added:
      * R version: 3.5.0
      * R packages: DESeq2
      * snakemake (version: 5.4.2)

B. Download and install software in home/bin directory:
    > cd
    > cd bin

* Trimmomatic  (binary packages) from

* FASTQC      from
  Then add to .bashrc file
  > echo "~/bin/FastQC" >> ~/.bashrc
  > source ~/.bashrc

* conda
  > wget -O ~/
  > bash ~/ -b
  Then add to .bashrc file
  > echo ". ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc
  > source ~/.bashrc

  > conda config --add channels bioconda
  > conda config --add channels conda-forge
  > conda create --name snakenv rstudio bioconductor-DESeq2 snakemake

* hisat2
  > wget
  > unzip
  > echo export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/hisat2-2.1.0 >> ~/.bashrc
  > source ~/.bashrc

* htseq
  > git clone
  > cd htseq
  ~/bin/htseq> pip install HTSeq --user
  > echo export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/htseq >> ~/.bashrc
  > source ~/.bashrc
  > htseq-count -h

III. Preparation steps:

A. first create the project directory : Analysis_Transcriptomic
  #commands in your terminal:
  > cd #move to root
  > mkdir Analysis_Transcriptomic
  > cd Analysis_Transcriptomic #move to the project directory


B. Create bin directory in your project directory and link the executable software to you bin in your project directory
  > cd ~/Analysis_Transcroptomic
  > mkdir bin
  > cd bin
  > ln -s ~/bin/FastQC
  > ln -s ~/bin/trimmomatic-0.38.jar
  > ln -s ~/bin/hisat2-2.1.0
  > ln -s ~/bin/htseq/

C. creating a data directory
 > cd
 > cd Analysis_Transcriptomic
 > mkdir data
 > cd data

download to this directory your rawdata:
  * genome data:  genes.gff  # annotation file
                  genome.fna  # reference genome
  * Single reads: * control (reference), 3 replicates:
                  * Condition to be evaluated, 3 replicates:

---description of the data--
"We will use single reads representing two conditions.  Each condition has
been replicated three times (numbered 1, 2 and 3). The condition fh stands
for forest hot and is a soil which is rich in nutrients (dead organic material).
The term ref stands for reference.  Here the fungus lives on poor media
on an agar plate. The purpose is to see if there are (significantly) deferentially
expressed genes when comparing the two conditions. The importance
of replication is evaluated"(from Transcriptome analysis compendium, Lund 

D. creating a scr directory
> cd..
~/Analysis_Transcriptomic> mkdir scr
> cd scr
#import the following scripts:  * DifferentialExpression.R

# make it executable
~/Analysis_Transcriptomic/scr> chmod +x DifferentialExpression.R
~/Analysis_Transcriptomic/scr> chmod +x

IV. Runing transcriptomic analysis steps:
write the following commands:
  > cd
  > cd Analysis_Transcriptomic
  > conda activate snakenv
  > snakemake
  (snakenv) User ~/Analysis_Transcriptomic> pip install bin/htseq
  > conda install -c r r-gplots
  > conda install -c r r-RColorBrewer
  > snakemake
after runing the snakefile, deactivate the conda environment suing the following command:
  > conda deactivate

V. Analysis

A. Data quality
Start by checking the quality and correct for any quality problems encountered.
This is done by using the FastQC program that takes fastq file as input.
--- rule Quality in snakemake file (snakefile) ---
Result are stored in directory 1_Quality. To see the html file open them using the following command: 1_Quality> opera *.html

B. Trimming
In this part, reads that have be corrected are processed (part are removed) by using the software trimmomatic.
--- rule trimming in snakemake file (snakefile) ---
Result are stored in directory 2_trimming.

C. Index
Here we index the genome file, creating a genome index called genome by using the software HISAT2.
--- rule index in snakemake file (snakefile) ---
Result are stored in directory 3_mapping.

D. Mapping
The cleaned reads will be used for mapping against the genome by using the software HISAT2.
This is a splice junction aware aligner that can map different parts of the reads to different exons
if the reads spans two or more exons
--- rule mapping in snakemake file (snakefile) ---
Result are stored in directory 3_mapping.

E. Reads counts
Here we use the software htseq to see the number of reads that mapped to each gene.
--- rule readcounts in snakemake file (snakefile) ---
Result are stored in directory 4_Read_counts.

F. Differential Expression
The differential expression analysis will be perform by using the DESeq2 package.
We run the script DifferentialExpression.R. Here, we use a simple experiment design with
the aim of investigate the difference between poor and rich conditions. Overexpression will mean
that genes are overexpressed in the forest hot(fh) replicates as compared to the control(ref).
The control replicates are grown in poor media and the forest hot in a rich media.
For each gene the difference in (normalized) counts for the two conditions can be assigned a p-value, which
is ajusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. Each gene is given a corrected p-value called q-value or p-adj.

Results are stored in directory 5_differential_expression:

--- rule DifferentialExpression in snakemake file (snakefile) ---

*normalized.count:The gene expression is normalized using statistical methods.

* (all calculations), where:
                                  baseMean - mean estimated from both conditions (with normalization by size factors)
                                  log2FoldChange - log2 of the ratio
                                  lfcSE - standard error of log2 fold change
                                  stat - the Wald test statistics
                                  pval - uncorrected p-value from the negative binomial test
                                  padj - p-value adjusted for multiple testing using Benjamini-Hochberg
                                          to estimate the false discovery rate

* A list of the genes that have a p-adj value below 0.01
* A list of the genes that have a p-adj value below 0.05

The name and sequences (CDS) of the top most significantly (Padj < 0.01) deferentially expressed genes are stored in two files in
the directory 5_differential_expression.

--- rule top_more_expressed ---

* topmorexpressed: the 20 most significantly (Padj < 0.01) deferentially expressed genes.
                       First column (name of the gene), second column (log2FoldChange)

--- rule rule sequences ---

* morexpresedseq.fasta: fasta file containing the CDS sequences of the top 9 genes more expressed.


A few graphs are made to visualize the results, which are stored in directory 6_visualize:
* fig1.pdf: Expression versus significance
* fig2.pdf: Expression heatmap for the most expressed genes
* fig3.pdf: Heatmap of similarity between replicates
* fig4.png: Principal component analysis plot

you can see the figures using the following command: 6_visualize > opera *

I. file running.log in Analysis_Transcriptomic directory stores stderr of some programs run by snakemake.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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