Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification (
Learning via translation for domain adaptation in person re-ID consists of two steps:
1. Source-target image translation
The first step is to translate the annotated dataset from source domain to target domain in an unsupervised manner.
For more reference, you can find our modified training code and generating code in ./SPGAN. We wrote a detailed README. If you still has some question, feel free to contact me ([email protected]).
2. Feature learning
With the translated dataset that contains labels, feature learning methods are applied to train re-ID models.
The code for re-ID feature learning is mainly modified from IDE.
- Train baselines:
# train IDE on Market-1501
# train IDE on DukeMTMC-reID
# The IDE models for Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID are saved under: "out/market_train" and "out/duke_train", respectively
# If you encounter this problem: bash: ./experiments/market/ Permission denied
# Please execute: chmod 777 -R experiments/
- Train IDE models trained on the translated images:
# train IDE on Market-1501
# train IDE on DukeMTMC-reID
# 1. Market-1501:
cd $IDE_ROOT/market_evaluation
Run Matlab: extract_feature.m
# The IDE features are saved under: "market_evaluation/feat"
# 2. DukeMTMC-reID:
cd $IDE_ROOT/duke_evaluation
Run Matlab: extract_feature.m
# The IDE features are saved under: "duke_evaluation/feat"
Run Matlab: baseline_evaluation_IDE.m
Baseline models
IDE models trained on the translated images:
IDE_Market2duke (SPGAN) and IDE_Duke2Market (SPGAN): Onedrive; Baidu Yun
(see more details in paper)
If you have an implementation for a different framework, or an enhanced version of the current code, feel free to contribute to the repository. For any issues related to the code you can use the issue tracker from GitHub.
[1] W. Deng, L. Zheng, G. Kang, Y. Yang, Q. Ye, and J. Jiao. Image-image domain adaptation with preserved self-similarity and domain-dissimilarity for person re-identification. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.07027, 2017.
[2] L. Zheng, Y. Yang, and A. G. Hauptmann. Person reidentification: Past, present and future. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.02984, 2016.
The code is released under the MIT License. See the attached LICENSE file.