Deploys | About | Layout | Requirements | Instructions | Dependencies | Main Features | Bonus Features | License
- Production URL:
Part of TreinaDev, by Capus Code São Paulo.
The first of TreinaDev's final challenges: a fully-featured, fully-tested employment-oriented application. It allows employers to publish and propose jobs offers to job seekers. They can then propose salaries, schedule interviews and chat with each other.

- ↪️ Flow Chart

- 🌈 Colors
- 🌠 Logo
- 🚧 Wire Frame
- 📜 Font
After installing all requirements, clone the repo locally:
$ git clone [email protected]:librity/campus_code_job_seeker.git
Navigate into the repo and install all the gems:
$ cd campus_code_job_seeker
$ bundle install
Install all the npm packages with yarn:
$ yarn install
Create, migrate and seed the SQLite database:
$ bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
Run all the tests with rspec:
$ bundle exec rspec
Run a development server with:
$ bundle exec rails s
And connect to it through http://localhost:3000.
You can also interact directly with the application using the rails console:
$ bundle exec rails c
bundle exec
makes sure that every command uses the gem versions specified within the Gemfile
- Registration, authentication & authorization: Devise
🧪 Tests
- Testing framework: RSpec
- Integration tests: Capybara
- Test coverage report: SimpleCov
- Factory generator: Factory Bot Rails
- Arbitrary data generator: Faker
- Awesome things: Nyancat test progressbar
- CSS Framework: Boostsrap
- HTML manipulation: JQuery
- Input masking and formatter: jQuery Mask Plugin
- Pop-overs: Popper
- Icons: Font Awesome Free
- Basic app setup
- Logo & color palette
- Mind map and Flow chart
- Root/Home page
Head Hunters:
- Signup, Login and Dashboard
- Creates a Job Opening
- Can browse Applicants
- Can comment on Applicant's profile
- Can check a Job Application as a standout
- Can reject an Applicant
- Can propose Job Offers to Applicants
- Recieves feedback for accepted/rejected Job Offers
- Can retire a Job Opening
Job Seeker:
- Signup, Login and Dashboard
- Creates and manages a profile-resume
- Browses active Job Openings
- Searches active Job Openings by title and description
- Applies to a Job Opening
- Can browse rejected Job Applications
- Can browse Job Offers
- Can accept Job Offers
- Can reject Job Offers
- Add pagination
- Add breadcrumbs
- Implement Omniauth Signup and Login for Head Hunters and Job Seekers
- Implement Email Confirmation for Head Hunters and Job Seekers
- React Rails for Chat interface and notifications
Head Hunters:
- Can invite applicants to an Interview
- Can write a feedback after the interview
- Can Chat with Applicants
- All Head Hunters with the same email domain are associated with a Company
- Must have an avatar
Job Seeker:
- Gets notified when invited to an Interview
- Can accept Interview invitation
- Can reject Interview invitation
- Recieves Interview feedback when public
- Can Chat with Head Hunters
This software is distributed under the MIT license. Read the LICENSE file for further details.