Fast SEO text generator on a mask.
Written in PHP. I do not use regular expressions and the fastest. I covered tests and simple! Supporting recursive text generation rules. It supports multiple encodings.
This package implements the functionality of a similar package for Go Lang – text-generator.
composer require liderman/php-text-generator
An example of a simple template text generation:
$textGen = new TextGenerator();
echo $textGen->generate("Good {morning|day}!");
// Displays: Good morning!
// or
// Good day!
An example of a complex generation template text:
$textGen = new TextGenerator();
echo $textGen->generate("{Good {morning|evening|day}|Goodnight|Hello}, {friend|brother}! {How are you|What's new with you}?");
// Displays: Good morning, friend! How are you?
// or
// Good day, brother! What's new with you?
// or
// Hello, friend! How are you?
// ...
- It supports multiple encodings
- Supporting recursive text generation rules
- Fast! Does not use regular expressions
- Easy wrapping thanks to the integrated interface
- Covered tests
- Written by PSR standards and 100% covered with documentation (PHP-Doc)
- Without external dependencies
- The code is checked by the static analyzer PhpStan lvl 7
- PHP >= 7.1