The First Development Release
This version is released for development purposes only. Please do not use it in a production environment.
How to choose the image you need:
Four .img files are included in the release; select the one that is appropriate for your Raspberry Pi hardware:
- "pi0.img" - For Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 & Raspberry Pi Zero W
- "pi2.img" - For Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
- "pi02w.img" - For Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W & Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- "pi4.img" - For Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Checking your download for integrity and authenticity is super important! We'll need to update our instructions, but the same basic process outlined in the ReadMe at the root of the repo will work to verify the released signature file and images.
To install on your MicroSD card:
- Download the appropriate .img file
- Write the extracted image to a MicroSD card (64MB or larger)
- (make sure to use "dd" or a disk-authoring tool like Balena Etcher)
- Re-install the memory card in your signer
- The UI should appear in less than a minute after applying power to the device