Python Engineer, using asyncio and Django.
Engaged in web3, quantitative trading, and building high-performance applications.
now using Rust🦀
Spot-Future Arbitrage on OKX using V5 API. / 欧易 期现(现货-交割合约) 套利
A Rust project to compare the price differences between Gate and Binance exchanges. It fetches the top 10 levels of the order book and trade data from both exchanges, and writes the data into sepa…
币安期现套利: 期现套利是指当同币种的期货和现货存在较大价差时,通过买入低价方、卖出高价方,当两者的价差缩小时进行平仓,即可收获价差缩小部分利润 市场采用 binance 现货杠杆和币本位合约
Driver for 4.2 inch e-Paper display on ESP32 with micropython, for Crypto Price Tracker
Rust on esp32 with 0.96-inch OLED screen. demo: wifi / https client/ crypto price tracer display
Rust 2