This repo provides Latex source for materials related to nuclear physics.
Materials in this repo are related to three courses offered at MIT's nuclear science and engineering department:
22.101 Applied nuclear physics: basic quantum mechanics and modern physics material, extending into nuclear structure, nucleon-nucleon scattering, radioactive decay, and neutron interactions.
22.106 Neutron interactions: neutron transport theory, starting from cross-sections and R-matrix theory, and covering the differential-integral and integral form of the transport equation, Monte Carlo, CPM, MOC, SN, PN methods.
22.211 Nuclear reactor physics I: slowing down equation with emphasis on resonance treatment and self-shielding treatment, spectral calculation, diffusion theory, point kinetics, nodal diffusion theory (CMFD, NEM, ANM, SANM), homogenization and de-homogenization.
If you just want the pdfs, visit
To build the Latex sources in this repo, you would need to git clone and build tek (, which is the Latex Makefile generator I use. Then run
TEXINPUTS="$(readlink -f latex)/:" tek
which generates a Makefile that points to the latex style files (latex/) used in these Latex sources.
Then run
Note: Latex package dependencies can be found in latex/school-style-packages.sty. The very first time you build this repo you are most likely going to get error messages of missing some packages (depending on your Latex distributions they come with a different set of random stuffs). You can fix so by installing linux distribution packages, or installing Latex distribution packages, or by going to CTAN to get the file.
Please feel free to create a pull request/collaborate etc. My email address is [email protected] for now.