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Quick start for creating a PostgreSQL cluster

The postgresql-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a CloudNativePG PostgreSQL Cluster. Optionally a Prometheus PodMonitor and a Configmap (for adding a postgresql dashboard to Grafana) can be created.

About the Quick starts

The Catalog is a library of curated Helm charts to create Kubernetes resources. By default the Catalog contains a set of Helm charts provided by Application Platform for LKE to get started quickly, but they can also be modified depending on your requirements or be removed from the Catalog. The contents of the Catalog and the RBAC configuration (which Team can use which Helm chart) are managed by the platform administrator.

How to use this quick start

  1. Go to the values tab and fill in a name for your PostgreSQL Cluster
  2. Optional: Change other parameter values as required
  3. Use a secretKeyRef to configure the environment variables for the container:
- name: DB_NAME
  name: <clustername>
      name: <clustername>-app
      key: password
- name: DB_USER
      name: <clustername>-app
      key: username

Note that there is also a superuser secret <clustername>-superuser with the same keys, containing the superuser credentials. However, this is only needed for advanced functionality such as creating and removing additional databases. The -app credentials provide full access to the default database with the same name as the cluster, including DDL and grant operations.


Application Platform for LKE controlled parameters

Name Description Value
fullnameOverride Used by Application Platform for LKE to set the name of all resources including the name name of the database ""

Optional parameters

Name Description Value
instances Number of instances required in the cluster 2
primaryUpdateStrategy Rolling update strategy. Select between unsupervised or supervised unsupervised
storage.storageClass StorageClass to use for database data ""
storage.size Size of the storage. Required if not already specified in the PVC template 1Gi
walStorage.storageClass Configuration of the storage for PostgreSQL WAL (Write-Ahead Log) ""
walStorage.size Size of the WAL storage. Required if not already specified in the PVC template 1Gi
monitoring Create a PodMonitor and metrics will be scraped by the Platform Prometheus false
dashboard Create a ConfigMap with a Grafana dashboard for CloudNativePG false
byoSuperUserSecret.enabled Bring your own secret for super admin credentials false Name of the secret containing the super admin credentials ""
bootstrap.initdb.dataChecksums Whether the -k option should be passed to initdb enabling checksums on data pages false
resources Container resource requests and limits {}