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Application Platform for LKE Catalog curated Helm charts

This repository contains a set of curated Helm charts that are available in the Application Platform for LKE Catalog.

Team Helm charts

The following Helm charts are added to the Catalog and are available for Teams:

Quick start for creating a K8s Deployment with Open Telemetry Instrumentation

The k8s-deployment-otel Helm chart can be used to create a Kubernetes Deployment (to deploy a single image), a Service, a ServiceAccount, an OpenTelemetryCollector and an Instrumentation. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap can be created.

Quick start for creating a Knative Service

The knative-service Helm chart can be used to create a Knative Service (to deploy a single image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a Prometheus ServiceMonitor can be created.

Quick start for creating a PostgreSQL cluster

The postgresql-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a cloudnativepg PostgreSQL Cluster. Optionally a Prometheus PodMonitor and a Configmap (for adding a postgresql dashboard to Grafana) can be created.

Quick start for creating a Redis master-replica cluster

The redis-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a Redis master-replica cluster.

Quick start for creating a RabbitMQ cluster

The rabbitmq-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a RabbitMQ cluster with queues and policies.

Quickstart for creating a SpinApp

The spin-app Helm chart can be used to create a SpinApp. A SpinApp is a Custom Resource to deploy WebAssembly microservices and web applications based on Spin.

Platform Helm charts

The following Helm charts are added to the Catalog and are only available for platform-admins using the team-admin:

Kwasm Operator

The kwasm-operator Helm chart can be used to add WebAssembly support to the Kubernetes Nodes. kwasm-operator is a prerequisite for installing spin-operator

Spin Operator

The spin-operator Helm chart can be used to enable deploying Spin applications to Kubernetes.

Spin Shim Executor

The spin-shim-executor Helm chart can be used to create a SpinAppExecutor utilized by Spin Operator to determine which executor type should be used in running a SpinApp.

KubeFlow Pipelines Cluster Resources

The kfp-cluster-resources Helm chart can be used to install the KubeFlow Pipelines CRDs.

Kubeflow Pipelines

The kubeflow-pipelines Helm chart can be used to install KubeFlow Pipelines in any Team.