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Releases: linuxct/Xperia-Z5-STYLE

Xperia Z5 STYLE 4.5 (Stable)

20 Feb 22:59
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Xperia Z5 STYLE 4.5 and Xperia Z5 STYLE 4.5b3-f2 are here!

Today, I'm very glad to announce that Xperia Z5 STYLE 4.5 has finally reached an adecuate state to be released as a Stable ROM. You'll probably have many doubts, so I'll try to clarify as many as I can.
First things first, I'd like to thank all the >350 ACTIVE DAILY USERS of the beta releases for their support, and their help by reporting as many bugs as they were able to find, as well as sending ideas and an excelent feedback. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible.

Now to the main thing: There are currently rolling out an OTA for the Beta Channel, and the main ROM for the Stable Channel.
The OTA will install some fixes and additions I introduced in the Stable Channel release (Mainly, they're: the S-Force 3D Surround support, the SysCtl fix, an update for the Notes app, and the new 100% rounded analog clock in the lockscreen).

If you're a newcomer (currently in Sony's Stock ROM), or you want to upgrade from 4.0:
· Download the ROM from the link below
· (From the recovery, do a Nandroid Backup if you want to)...
· Wipe Data, Cache and Dalvik cache, BUT do not wipe System (This step is not mandatory if you're upgrading from 4.0).
· Flash the Zip.
· Profit!

If you're a betatester:
· An OTA, called 4.5b3-f2 will prompt soon on your device. When it appears, download it.
· If asked, choose not to wipe anything.
· When your device reboots, press the Vol+ button to trigger TWRP when you see the Blue LED blinking. Thankfully, the OpenRecoveryScript will do the rest of the work for you. If not, just install the Zip from /sdcard/OTA-Updater/download/ROM.
· Profit!

You've detailed info on this, step by step explained, in the XDA, HTCmanía and DarkSideTeam threads.

If there were any other minor fixes after this releases, they'll come as an OTA to both Stable and Beta Channel, so, there's NO NEED as of today to join the Beta channel, unless you want to receive upcoming beta releases in the future.
I hope everything is as clear as possible. Enjoy it!


Xperia Z5 S.T.Y.L.E. 4.5b3

12 Feb 11:37
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This is the beta release version 4.5b3 (Beta #3). Release date: 2016-02-08


  • X-Reality and BE2 are added for those with untouched DRM keys.
  • Screen Recording with YouTube Streaming support.
  • Custom ROM OTA SERVICES enabled. You'll receive new OTAs as soon as they get published. There will be 2 OTA channels: Stable and Beta. If anyone shares the links of any OTA, I'll inmediately remove this features from Beta channel and leave this feature for Stable channel only. I'm sorry.
  • Regarding Settings: "About device" has now a cleaner look (less bloated + new ROM banner) & I've implemented some toggles to WiFi and Bluetooth, thanks to Venkat Kamesh.
  • PS4 Remote Controller (Screen Sharing) is now added (you'll need to install PS App if you want it (Google Play).
  • Call recorder added (hopefully, it should also work in M2 Dual, but since TeleService now is not the same, I've no idea)
  • The APNs can now be installed using a modded APN 2.1 app I included in this release. Just open the app, hit 'Add Apn' button, then go into Settings, More…, Network, APN, and choose the one that matches your carrier.
  • The Xperia Home has been set in 'Classic Mode' as default. You can go back to the automatic one in Xperia Home Settings.
  • The default theme is now set to work Out-of-the-box (no need to re-apply), and now it has Orange accent + Black design.
  • Build.Prop's are lightly tweaked, with some ART optimizations.
  • SomcWifiDisplay (to cast the screen to Smart TVs using miracast) is added.
  • Wireless Controller support for PS3.
  • Get to know it Widget (handy for newbies) is added.
  • New Mirror & Currency converter small apps included.
  • SemcMetadataCleanup (for Walkman Tag editor) is fixed.
  • STK (SimToolkit) is back.
  • Updated Clock app.
  • Updated Conversations and Phonebook app.
  • Updated Weather app.
  • MultiRecovery now WORKS as intended. (no more LED freezes)
  • D2302 patch is now complete (on b2-r2 I forgot to apply the full patch to it, this means, teleservice [Call Settings] was faulty. Now that's fixed.)

DOWNLOAD: AndroidFileHost.
Notes: No extra patches needed. Beta Tester access is required. Please, refer to BetaTest section in the Readme to join (if you want to try this release).

Xperia Z5 S.T.Y.L.E. 4.0

15 Jan 00:40
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This is the stable release version 4.0.

Main features

  • Stock based, 18.6.A.0.175, Deodexed using @gaurav007's Firmware, zipaligned and with SuperUserMod.
  • Implemented using ALL XPERIA Z5 APPS (which weren't considered Bloatware OFC). For example: Z5 Camera 2.0, Weather, Calendar, Contacts, Themes, Dialer, Messaging, Mail, etc.)
  • DEBLOATED: It's faster than any ROM out there (probably even faster than some UBL Roms), very stable and weights considerably less (Less than 400MB). All the system has been optimized wisely, removing Sony unnecesary apps.
  • TWEAKED: Implemented with various tweaks, discovered and made by @Miche1asso, to ensure a proper Lollipop experience. For example: GPS Fixes, zRAM tweaks, FStrim to boost your NAND...
  • You can install Xposed if you want to, just flash Rovo89 API22 Xposed flashable Zip and you're ready to go.

ZIPs Attached:

  • - Rom main Flashable Zip.
  • - Patch for D2302 owners.
  • - Patch for D2305 owners.

If you need SuperSU, please download, and flash it from here:
For detailed installation instructions please visit