Releases: liqd/a4-kosmo
Releases · liqd/a4-kosmo
- rebased onto aplus v2301.3
- added another merge migration for the moderator feedback, added migrations for new translated verbose names of TimeStampedModel
- rebased onto
- redid all kosmo commits so the changes beween a+ and itself are easier to see
- added merge migration to deal with rename of moderator feedback
What's Changed
- [#6561] assets/images/logo: update kosmo logos to beta version by @phillimorland in #330
- Pm 2022 11 header by @phillimorland in #332
- blocks: update styling to background bg blocks by @phillimorland in #333
- translations: fix wording moderators filter - fixes #331 by @fuzzylogic2000 in #334
Full Changelog: v2208.1...v2211
What's Changed
- translations: add kosmo-specific translation by @fuzzylogic2000 in #327
Full Changelog: v2208...v2208.1
Changes are:
- updated to newest a+ with lots of updates and bug fixes (changes here:
- add wagtail setting to add manuals page that is shown in userdashboard
- add wagtail setting to set sample project
- new registered user autofollow sample project when set
- add sendinblue welcome email including language and links to manuals page and userdashboard
- changed activity feed on userdasboard to show activities on own contributions
- add action to include moderator feedback in activities stream
- show latest comment count count on project tiles
- fixes and styling improvements
What's Changed
- updated to newest a+ with lots of updates and bug fixes (changes here:
- MD: redo the notification logic and accumulate classifications on comments
- make comments blockable and featureable (moderator marked)
- add moderator's feedback for comments
- sent notifications when comment is blocked or feedback given
- MD: add filters and sorting
- allow and use api with multiple possible classification classes
- improve translations
- add tests
Full Changelog:
Updated to Django 3.2
initial release of prototype with user dashboard and moderation