A repo with the source for all my SourceMod plugins. To be honest, this is pretty much just for organization.
Due to a restructuring of this repo, updater for Workshop Vote v1.0.5 and Private Analytics v0.2.2 and below no longer functions.
If you want to update (or just remove the error message), you must do so manually.
Status | Name | Descripton |
✔️ Active | Auto Hostname | A plugin I specifically made for my servers that automatically changes the hostname based on the map the server is currently on. |
↪️ Fork | Custom Votes | This custom votes plugin with some changes from Sneak's version included. |
✔️ Active | Exec On Empty (AlliedMods) | A very simple plugin that executes a specified config whenever everyone on a server leaves. |
✔️ Active | Gag me Harder | A little meme plugin which allows gagged players to continue chatting, but with all text replaced with hearts. |
↪️ Fork | Little Anti-Cheat - Auto SourceTV Recorder (AlliedMods) | I simply added a convar so that you can specify what directory the demos should go in. |
✔️ Active | Native Custom Votes | A minimal voting system that makes use of Native Votes. |
↪️ Fork | Player Analytics (AlliedMods) | A fork of sneak-it's fork of Dr. McKay's plugin. Yeah, there are quite a few levels to this one. I added support to check for premium TF2 as well as removing the need for GeoIPCity in favor of GeoIP2. |
✔️ Active | Please Allow Ads | A plugin that asks players who are not immune to ads, and have blocked html motds to allow html motds. |
✔️ Active | Private Analytics (AlliedMods) | An alternative to Player Analytics that logs does not log any personally identifiable information. Only logs the time of connection, the number of players, and the country the player is from. Does not store SteamIDs, IPs, or further region data. It also logs player counts to another table since I found a need for that. |
✔️ Active | Retry on Restart | A heavily modified fork of Franc1sco's "Anti server empty after restart" with an auto-restart feature heavily inspired by br5dy's "Scheduled Shutdown / Restart". |
✔️ Active | Source Metrics | Reports server tickrate for performance monitoring. Built for my own internal use. Others may use it, but no support will be provided. |
❌ Incomplete | SqlVIP | An unfinished plugin I created to read a list of Steam2 IDs off a MySQL database and add them to a VIP admin group. I abandoned this after I realized SM has sqladmins already. I may finish it at some point for fun. |
✔️ Active | Vac Check | Automatically bans accounts with too many VAC or Game bans. |
✔️ Active | WsVote (AlliedMods) | A plugin I wrote for my TF2 servers (and only supports TF2 at the moment) that allows players to call votes to change to workshop maps. Requires NativeVotes. |