Demo link : See the project here
Technologies used in this project Server Side
- Node.js 12.9.0
- ExpressJs 4.17.1
- MongoDB / Mongoose 5.6.11
- Braintree (Payment system) 2.19.0
Client Side
- React.js 16.9.0 (Hooks)
- MDBReact 4.19.1 (Material design)
- MomentJs 2.24.0
Requires Node.js v8+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install
$ npm run start || nodemon server
Rename .env.sample to .env and change settings with your own
DATABASE= /your mongoDB URL/
Requires Create react app to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install
Rename .env.sample to .env and change settings with your own
REACT_APP_API_URL= /URL to you server/
npm run start