The Python Package work for The Ground-based Remote Sensing Data Operation.
The Python Package mainly work for China Ground-based Remote Sensing Data Operation System.
But It will suit for the Europen or USA instruments in future.
- Read microwave radiometer, millimeter wave cloud radar, wind profile radar, lidar data
- Generate secondary products based on the above products
- Data visualization
开源代码地址: metgrs github
文档地址:metgrs document
pypi发布地址:metgrs pypi
pip install metgrs
其中 mamba == conda 两者接口一致,但 mamba 比 conda 更快,建议使用 mamba 管理环境安装依赖可以从 下载安装(建议使用 Miniforge)。
metgrs以高内聚低耦合思想开发,主要在 python3.9 环境下开发,依赖于以下第三方库:
- numpy
- pandas
- xarray
- matplotlib
- joblib
- python-dateutil
mamba create -n metgrs python==3.9 numpy pandas xarray matplotlib joblib python-dateutil -c conda-forge -y
mamba create -n runtime python==3.12 jupyterlab==4.2.6 jupyterlab-lsp python-lsp-server jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-cn jupyterlab-git nb_conda -c conda-forge -y
mamba create -n devmetgrs python==3.9 numpy xarray pandas geopandas scipy dask metpy matplotlib cartopy cnmaps sympy nb_conda scikit-learn pytest pytest-cov pytest-xdist flake8 black pre-commit build twine -c conda-forge -y