A simple C# toolbox repository containing a few basic useful functions. Highlights include:
- Basic string helpers
- ConcatWs - Linking non-empty list items with a separator, discarding the rest
- SubStringSafe - A safe sub string, where it handles being out of bounds gracefully
- FixedLength - Ensures a string is a fixed length, eiter truncating or padding as needed
- Truncate - A safe truncate return null if null passed in
- Trim - A safe trim, returning null if null passed in
- StringBuilder AsEnumerable() extension method for enabling linq on chars in StringBuilder
- Generic Observable class used for subscribing to changes on variables
- Functions for handling Generics
- Functions for handling Enum types, including:
- Description attribute, allowing a human readable label for Enums accessible by a cached extension method.
- Has and Is functions for flag based enumerations
- DateTime extensions:
- Functions for working with Unix times
- Returning getting date of first day of week
- MinOrDefault and MaxOrDefault linq extensions
- IList extensions for moving items
Plus others...
cd ./src
dotnet build
cd ./src
dotnet test
cd ./src
dotnet test
dotnet pack -c Release -o ../nuget
dotnet nuget push -s https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json "../nuget/Lski.Toolbox.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg" -k "$NUGET_KEY"
NB: Remember to add variables above.
- Encryption functions have been extracted to Lski.Encryption, although not like for like as a couple of less secure items have been removed, the main functionality is there.
- RandomString has been extracted to Lski.RandomString.
To ensure this project will work in an ASP.Net Core environment whilst trying to maintain the current API.