A mod based on transfer rotational force by light.
This addon adds new blocks, items and mechanics to the mod create. Such as:
- Optical Source: Emit different types of beams based on the rotational force applied;
- Optical Receptor: Transform the received beam into rotational force based on its properties;
- Optical Sensor: Emit redstone sinal based on the incident beam properties;
- Mirror: Reflect the beam perpendicularly;
- Polarizing Filter: Polarize the beam(duh);
- Beam Splitter Cube: Split the beam in two and polarize the resultant beams perpendicularly;
- Beam Condenser: Condenser up to three beams into one combining its properties;
- Beam Focuser: new type of recipe based on beam's characteristics.
All the crafts can be found with the JEI mod, and most of the additional mechanics can be found with the ponder(Create Mod) system.
New Receptor States
Optical Device application required