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Update dependency django-import-export to v3.3.9 #551

Update dependency django-import-export to v3.3.9

Update dependency django-import-export to v3.3.9 #551

Workflow file for this run

name: Linting and Testing
on: [push]
name: Codestyle and translation checks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Install poetry
uses: abatilo/actions-poetry@v2
- name: Install any new dependencies
run: poetry install
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- name: Check migrations
run: poetry run python website/ makemigrations boards committees events members website --no-input --check --dry-run
- name: Check translations
shell: bash
run: |
# Install gettext
sudo apt-get install gettext
# Run makemessages for all app
cd website
for dir in $(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d); do (cd $dir && poetry run ../ makemessages -all); done
cd ..
# Check for obsolete translations in .po files (starting with `#~`).
echo "Searching for obsolete translations."
grep --include="*.po" --files-with-matches --recursive "^#~" website && exit 1 || echo "No obsolete translations found."
# Check for untranslated strings in .po files
echo "Searching for untranslated strings."
empty_strings=$(sed '$a\\' website/**/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | tac | sed '/^$/N;/\nmsgstr ""$/,/^msgid/!d' | tac)
if [[ $empty_strings ]]; then echo $empty_strings && exit 1; else echo "No untranslated strings found."; fi
# Check for fuzzy translations in .po files
echo "Searching for fuzzy translations."
grep --include="*.po" --files-with-matches --recursive "#, fuzzy" website && exit 1 || echo "No fuzzy translations found."