A simple JavaScript library, to display a content slider
Demo: https://prod.thalmann.it/sliderjs/demo.html
Download the .zip-File and put it in your project-folder.
Add this script-tag to the head of the file
<script src="path/to/js/file.js"></script>
- Add this link-tag to the head of the file, to include the styles
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/file.css" />
- Start using the library!
<div class="slider" id="myslider">
<div class="slide">
<img src="images/1.jpg">
var slider = new Slider("slider");
var new_slide = document.createElement("div");
new_slide.className = "slide";
new_slide.innerHTML = "...";
slider.slides.push(new_slide); // Add slide to the slides
slider.updateView(); // Reload the slider
It's the main object to display the slider.
new Slider(container, options);
- container (DOM-Element/id): The container for the slider to display
- options (object): A object with options for the slider (see below) (optional)
After the instanciation, the slider is reloaded/rendered
INFO: If you have images inside the slider, and you don't want them to influence the page-loading, leave the src-attribute of the image empty and add the data-src-async where you put the location of the image. It will be loaded after the slider is created.
Slider.FORWARDS // Is used to define which direction the slider goes
Slider.BACKWARDS // - " -
Slider.UI // Is used to define which UI-Elements are shown (showUI(...))
// -> PREV (the prev-button)
// NEXT (the next-button)
// PAUSE (the pause/play-button)
// INDICATORS (the indicators at the bottom)
slider.container // The container, where the slider is located (DOM-Object)
slider.slides // The slides of the slider (can be updated, but you have to call
// slider.updateView() afterwards) (Array)
Slider.setDelay(delay); // Sets the duration a slide is displayed for each slider (Seconds) (default: 5)
Slider.getDelay(); // Returns the duration a slide is displayed (Seconds)
slider.pause(); // Pauses the playback of the slider
slider.play(); // Starts the playback of the slider
slider.togglePlay(); // Toggles the playback of the slider
slider.isPlaying(); // Returns true if the slider is playing otherwise false
slider.prev(amount); // Shows the previous slide. If amount is set it goes back for amount slides (integer optional)
slider.next(amount); // Shows the next slide. If amount is set it goes forward for amount slides (integer optional)
slider.showSlide(pos); // Shows a specific slide. If pos is not set it shows the first one (integer optional)
slider.resetTimeout(); // Resets the timeout for the current slide
slider.showUI(level); // Shows a specific level of the UI. If level is not set or is true it shows the whole UI.
// If level is false or a empty array it hides the UI
// If level is a array with elements of the Slider.UI object, it shows those UI-Elements
// If level is only a Slider.UI element, it hides all UI-Elements except that one
// (boolean/integer/array/undefined)
slider.updateView(); // Updates the displayed slider
It is possible to attach a event to the slider (defining in options)
Event | Callback-Parameter(s) | Definition |
load | DOM-Object | Is fired when the slider is loaded; The parameter is the container of the slides |
prev | - | Is fired when the slider shows a previous slide |
next | - | Is fired when the slider shows a next slide |
change_slide | integer, DOM-Object | Is fired when the slide is changed; The parameter 1 is the number of the new slide; The parameter 2 is the new slide |
pause | - | Is fired when the slider is paused |
play | - | Is fired when the slider is restarted |
toggle_play | - | Is fired when the slider state (playing/not playing) is changed |
Option | Values | Definition |
play_icon | String | Sets the icon of the play button |
pause_icon | String | Sets the icon of the pause button |
play_direction | Slider.FORWARDS/Slider.BACKWARDS | Sets the direction of the playback |
prev_icon | String | Sets the icon of the prev button |
next_icon | String | Sets the icon of the next button |
start_slide | integer | Sets the index of the start slide |
playing | boolean | Sets if the slider is playing at the beginning |
show_ui | boolean | Sets if the slider has a ui or not |
events | object | Sets the events for the slider |
<div id="slider" style="max-height: 400px; width: 90%; max-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto">
<div class="slide">
<img src="" alt="" data-src-async="https://images.pexels.com/photos/68147/waterfall-thac-dray-nur-buon-me-thuot-daklak-68147.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=750&w=1260">
// Using fontawesome-icons
var slider = new Slider("slider", {
play_icon: '<i class="fas fa-play"></i>',
pause_icon: '<i class="far fa-pause-circle"></i>',
prev_icon: '<i class="fas fa-angle-left"></i>',
next_icon: '<i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>'