This repository houses the code for the Making Models FAIR initiative website.
This GitHub pages site is generated with hugo using the docsy theme and can be built locally by following these instructions:
To create a local setup of this site you can install Docker
and docker-compose
or hugo
and npm
on your local operating system.
Clone this repository via git clone
If you have Docker and docker-compose installed, you can use the Makefile in the repository to automatically serve a local copy of the site to test out any changes:
Build and start a docker container with a hot-reloading hugo server
that you can visit in your browser at http://localhost:1313
% make serve
If you don't have docker installed and don't mind installing things in your operating system, you can do the following:
- Install the extended version of hugo from the releases page.
- Install npm via your operating system's package manager or from the npm site.
- Use hugo commands and npm to build/render the site.
% hugo mod get
% npm install
% hugo serve # dev server without drafts
# OR
% hugo serve -D # dev server with drafts