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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 14, 2018. It is now read-only.

Releases: makenew/libsass-package


20 Jan 23:59
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  • Minor updates to README (Description and Source Code section).


19 Jan 22:26
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  • Fix url and add semver link to CHANGELOG.
  • Update badge alt text.


19 Jan 01:53
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  • Quickly bootstrap your new project with ./

Updating exiting projects

This version introduces which automatically bootstraps new projects.
Most of the boilerplate which is normally replaced when making a new project has thus been changed.

This will generate a lot of merge conflicts for exiting projects updating to this version, however all of these can be safely ignored.

Recommend update procedure

  1. Update normally to libsass-package-v1.3.0 by following the instructions in the README (merge in the libsass-package-v1.3.0 tag instead of upstream/master).

  2. Merge in this version, but only use your file versions. For example,

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git merge --no-commit libsass-package-v2.0.0
    $ git reset .
    $ git checkout --ours .
    $ git clean -fdx
    $ git commit
  3. Update to the latest release normally.

Alternative update option

Depending on how complicated your merge conflicts are, this manual way may be easier.

  1. Checkout this version (or the latest one) into a separate branch, say makenew.
  2. Run ./ and enter in the values as if you were recreating your work from scratch. Commit the results.
  3. Create a new branch from your master and merge the makenew branch (do not create a merge commit yet). Compare the makenew branch to your master branch using git diff and whatever git workflow makes sense. One option is to git reset and git checkout, then update each file one at a time until you are satisfied with the merge.


19 Jan 01:18
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  • Updated all Sass references to libSass:
    this project now lives at makenew/libsass-package.
  • Use test and start npm scripts over install.
  • Add all metadata to package.json and bump dependency versions.
  • Update metadata in bower.json.
  • Add repository to bower.json.
  • Improve README and add npm badge.
  • Update .gitignore.
  • Update Change Log to follow


18 Jan 22:49
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  • Update Updating section in README.


18 Jan 22:49
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  • Only test against stable node.


18 Jan 22:49
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  • Update badges.
  • Use three backticks for code blocks in README.
  • Use io.js for Travis CI.