Solaire of Astora is here to guide you through the darkness of your tasks.
Praise the Sun! - Solaire of Astora, Dark Souls
Solaire is a chatbot that helps you manage your tasks, deadlines and events. The app is mainly meant for CLI style usage, but also has a basic GUI.
- Ensure you have Java 11 installed on your computer.
- Download the latest
from the releases page. - Run the jar file by double clicking it or running
java -jar solaire.jar
in the terminal. - The app should start and you should see a welcome message.
- Type in commands to interact with Solaire.
Add a todo to the task list.
Format: todo <description>
Example: todo read a book
Added [T][ ] read a book to your list
Add a deadline to the task list.
Format: deadline <description> /by <date>
Example: deadline finish assignment /by 2021-09-17
Added [D][ ] finish assignment (by: 17 SEP 2021) to your list
Add an event to the task list with a start and end indicator.
Format: event <description> /from <start date> /to <end date>
Example: event career fair /from 12 pm /to 5 pm
Added [E][ ] career fair (from: 12 pm to 5 pm) to your list
List all current tasks.
Format: list
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][ ] read a book
2. [D][ ] finish assignment (by: 17 SEP 2021)
3. [E][ ] career fair (from: 12 pm to 5 pm)
Mark a task as done.
Format: mark <task number>
Example: mark 1
Marked item number 1. [T][X] read a book as done
Mark a task as not done.
Format: unmark <task number>
Example: unmark 1
Marked item number 1. [T][ ] read a book as not done
Delete a task from the list.
Format: delete <task number>
Example: delete 1
Removed 1. [T][ ] read a book from your list
Find tasks that contain a specific keyword.
Format: find <keyword>
Example: find book
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [T][ ] read a book
2. [D][ ] return book (by: 17 SEP 2021)
Show tasks that are due within a specified number of days.
Format: remindme <number of days>
Example: remindme 1
Here's what's due in 1 day:
1. [D][ ] finish assignment (by: 24 FEB 2022)
Exit Solaire.
Format: bye
Farewell, and may the sun shine upon you!