Releases: marhoy/nrk-download
Releases · marhoy/nrk-download
v3.2.2: Add support for downloading extramaterial (#37)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2
Version 3.1.2
Solve a problem with subtitles: #30
Version 3.1.1
Fixes problem with question marks in filenames.
Version 3.1.0
Add possibility to select a single episode of a series.
Version 3
This is a complete rewrite from scratch.
If you have been using an older version of this tool, please note that version 3.x is a complete rewrite from scratch. The funtionallity has been reduced and simplified a bit compared to previous versions.
Please read the updated documentation:
First pre-release of version 3
Version 3 is a complete rewrite from scratch...