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mario-spitze edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

Steps to bring the inventory into the system.

  1. Create Hardware Class

Hardware classes are categories of hardware like screens, keyboards or notebooks.

  1. Add articles

Articles are more or less individual models or instances of hardware classes like screen "Dell UltraSharp 24" or keyboard "CHERRY KC 1000". More or less individual mean there are 2 types:

a. BulkArticle with a stock on hand inside the entry and a connection per handover. This objects are located in the BulkArticle table.

b. individual articles/Equipment to not have a stock count and can't be connected by a handover. They are like a pattern or product description.

  1. Add Equipment

Every piece of hardware with a serial number or inventory number get his own entry.

  1. Add workplaces and customers

  2. Create handovers

Search the hardware in the equipment list and create a handover. In this list you can see, how many parts are on stock (BulkArticles) or the single device is on stock (Equipment)

  1. Take it back

You can navigate to the customer or workpace and see a list of devices. Here you can give this back to stock.

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