asterisk_reconnect is a tool to periodically check that a list of clients are connected to Asterisk, and if they are not connected it will attempt to reconnect them and drop them into the specified context and extension.
- Periodically checks which clients are connected to Asterisk via the AMI.
- If a client is not connected, asterisk_reconnect will attempt to reconnect.
- Check intervals, retry intervals and clients, contexts and extensions are fully customisable.
- Works with SIP Clients. Other channel types are untested.
- asterisk_reconnect is designed for python 3 only!
- To date, this has only been tested on a Debian based, AllStar Asterisk (1.8) system
- It's important you secure your .cfg file, as anyone with access to the configuration can dial any client (Fraud Risk)
Change to root:
sudo su
cd /opt/
git clone
Change into the directory:
cd asterisk_reconnect
Install requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Copy/Rename the sample configuration:
cp asterisk_reconnect-sample.cfg asterisk_reconnect.cfg
Edit the defaults, use the comments as a guide:
vim asterisk_reconnect.cfg
Check it runs:
In order for Asterisk to mark calls as down, it needs a method of detecting lack of activity on a channel. Theres two methods documented below.
In order for this to work your 'client' will need to always send RTP, even when silent / muted / on hold etc:
Open sip.conf for editing
vim /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
Add the following in the [general]
If you're application intentionally stops sending RTP occasionally , you can enable session-timers to detect when a call drops. This will require a client with RFC4028 support, and detecting a dropped call will potentially take longer than the rtptimeout
Open sip.conf for editing
vim /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
Add the following in the [general]
The following assumes you're using a systemd based OS such as Debian 9.
Create a systemd service file:
vim /lib/systemd/system/asterisk_reconnect.service
Enter the following:
Description=asterisk_reconnect service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/asterisk_reconnect/
Make it executable:
chmod 755 /lib/systemd/system/asterisk_reconnect.service
Reload the systemctl daemon:
systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service:
systemctl enable asterisk_reconnect.service
- log_file - Path for log file
- log_handlers - Comma separated list of log handlers (see below)
- log_level - Log Level (DEBUG / INFO / WARNING / ERROR / CRITICAL)
- log_name - Name of log
The following config options are optional and only apply to rotating handlers. For more information see the documention
- rotate_at - When to rotate log
- rotate_interval - How often to rotate log
- backup_count - How many previous logs to store before deletion
- null - No logging
- console - Print to console
- console-timed - Print to console with timestamp
- file - Write to file
- file-timed - Write to file with timestamp
- file-rotate - Write to rotating file
- file-timed-rotate - Write to rotating file with timestamp
- syslog - Write to syslog
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.
You are free to share and adapt the code as required, however you must give appropriate credit and indicate what changes have been made. You must also distribute your adaptation under the same license. Commercial use is prohibited.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the various modules utilised within this project.