- Download and install Vagrant
- Run vagrant-up
- Seems like Virtualbox has troubles with GDM and modern Gnome, so we have to install another window manager and window toolkit
- ssh into vagrant using
vagrant ssh
- run
sudo apt-get install -y xfce4
- choose window manager like lightdm
- reboot by
sudo reboot
- Use
use BUT change window manager to xfce (that small bullet next to vagrant account tile in UI) - Passoword is
- All basic dev tools like python, python3, ruby and nodejs
- ASDF package manager, so if you want to install java, run
asdf plugin-list-all
orasdf plugin-add java
and thenasdf install java xxxxx
andasdf global java xxxx
- AWS CLI, check
- Localstak, check
- AWS local cli check
- Docker
- IDE like IntelliJ, PyCharm and WebStorm