MATLAB® Generator for OpenAPI™ provides a generator to enable generation of RESTful Clients and Models based on OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. OpenAPI was formerly known as Swagger. The core of this package is a Java class that extends the community Generator CLI and Mustache template files for APIs and Models.
MathWorks Products
- Requires MATLAB release R2020b or later.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or compatible.
- Maven 3.6 or greater.
- OpenAPITools openapi-generator, downloaded by
. - Node.js is required only if using the unit test suite or using
at the command line.
This package is developed and tested using OpenAPI version 3, in many cases it may work with a version 2 specifications however this is not supported. Please consider migrating the specification to version 3.
Please refer to the Documentation to get started. The Getting Started and Basic Usage documents provide more detailed instructions on setting up and using the interface.
The MathWorks provided Java code in this package uses the OpenAPITools openapi-generator package. A pom.xml
files is provided. The resulting jar can be built using:
cd package-directory/Software/Java
mvn clean package
To generate MATLAB client code for the well known PetStore sample spec, download it and use commands similar to:
% Run startup to configure the package's MATLAB paths
cd <package_directory>/Software/MATLAB
cd ..
% Create a builder object
c =;
% Set the package name, defaults to "OpenAPIClient"
c.packageName = "PetStore";
% Set the path to the spec., this may also be a HTTP URL
c.inputSpec = "openapi.yaml";
% Set a directory where the results will be stored
c.output = fullfile(pwd, "PetClient");
% Trigger the build process;
If there is a preference to work directly with the Node.js npx
command rather than the higher-level MATLAB client, it can be called as follows. On Linux:
cd <package_directory>/Software
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli --custom-generator MATLAB/lib/jar/MATLABClientCodegen-openapi-generator-0.0.1.jar generate -g MATLAB -i openapi.yaml -o PetClient --package-name PetStore
If not working in the package's Software
directory, use full paths and add the following additional arguments:
-t "<package_directory>/Software/Mustache" --additional-properties openapiRoot="<package_directory>/Software/MATLAB
Or on Windows replace the forward slashes in local paths with back slashes:
cd <package_directory>\Software
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli --custom-generator MATLAB\lib\jar\MATLABClientCodegen-openapi-generator-0.0.1.jar generate -g MATLAB -i openapi.yaml -o PetClient --package-name PetStore
If not working in the package's Software
directory, use full paths and add the following additional arguments:
-t "c:\<package_directory>\Software\Mustache" --additional-properties openapiRoot="c:\ <package_directory>\Software\MATLAB"
The slash in
is Node/npx syntax and not a local path, so this needs to remain a forward slash.
The license for the MATLAB Generator for OpenAPI is available in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository. This package uses certain third-party content which is licensed under separate license agreements. Please see the pom.xml file for third-party software downloaded at build time.
Provide suggestions for additional features or capabilities using the following link:
Email: [email protected]
or please log an issue.