A simple and customizable way to display in-app notifications. They match the system's look and feel, fully supporting iPhone X and the iPad.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like MMNotifications
in your projects. First, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MMNotifications'
Second, install MMNotifications
into your project:
pod install
If you ever tried the local notifications API, this will be easy as pie.
You create a MMLocalNotification
object and set a title, message, and image:
// Create and configure the notification.
MMLocalNotification *notification = [[MMLocalNotification alloc] init];
notification.title = @"This is a simple notification";
notification.message = @"The message goes here.";
notification.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"ExampleIcon"];
You can optionally add some actions! These will be displayed in the notification itself:
// Add action an "Okay" button:
MMNotificationAction *okay = [MMNotificationAction actionWithTitle:@"Okay" style:MMNotificationActionStyleDone handler:^(MMNotificationAction *action){
// Handle this action.
[notification addAction:okay];
Finally, you can schedule the notification for a future date or present it right away:
// Grab the presentation controller:
MMNotificationPresentationController *controller = [MMNotificationPresentationController sharedPresentationController];
// Present it right away...
[controller presentLocalNotificationNow:notification];
// ...or schedule it for a future date.
notification.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithDateIntervalSinceNow:(4000)];
[controller scheduleLocalNotification:notification];
The presentation controller will handle the hard stuff for you! For example, it will queue and delay notifications.
You can create a custom notification view. Much like an UICollectionView
, you can register a custom view class for your notifications.
// Implement an UIView subclass that conforms to the <MMNotificationView> protocol:
Class notificationViewClass = [MyCustomNotificationView class];
// Set a category to identify notifications that will use your custom class:
NSString *category = @"MyCategory";
// Register your class with the presentation controller:
MMNotificationPresentationController *controller = [MMNotificationPresentationController sharedPresentationController];
[controller registerViewClass:notificationViewClass forNotificationCategory:category];
Please refer to the documentation from the <MMNotificationView>
protocol on how to configure your custom view.
Pull requests are welcome and mostly appreciated.