Marcel Duchamp, the pioneer of the Ready-made never found a satisfying explanation for—or definition of—what “ready made” art is, and it would be arrogant of me to even attempt such a feat.
It is, however, worth putting in context what makes the pieces in this body of work so important, and for that one must understand the concept of the “found object”:
art created from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are not normally considered materials from which art is made, often because they already have a non-art function.
While I think while it’s arguable that gifs can be artistic, beautiful, etc, it is never really argued that they qualify as Art with a capital “A”. You won’t see anyone paying an artist or an auction house six or seven figures for an animated gif. Why?
In the spirit of Ready-mades, the image files in this body of work are untouched. It is from the world of utility that I aim to rescue these little work horses so I may put them out to pasture where they can get a little sun and live out their days in leisure.
Install Jekyll
Run Jekyll server:
bundle exec jekyll s
This "website" currently runs on GitHub Pages so the webpage must be built into docs/
and then committed with a relative url. Please refer to the Makefile
to see what I mean.
Start with a clean slate:
make clean
Then build the docs:
make docs