A collection of animated loading indicators React native port of SpinKit.
npm install react-native-spinkit@latest --save
On IOS the spinners have been developped in Objective-C, therefore you have to include the Library:
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
and addRNSpinkit.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project'sBuild Phases
➜Link Binary With Libraries
- Click
in the project navigator and go theBuild Settings
tab. Make sure 'All' is toggled on (instead of 'Basic'). Look forHeader Search Paths
and make sure it contains both$(SRCROOT)/../react-native/React
- mark both asrecursive
You're ready to go, android use the spinners developped in JS
Check index.ios.js in the Example folder.
Prop | Default | Type | Description |
isVisible | true |
boolean |
Visibility of the spinner |
color | #000000 | string |
Color of the spinner |
size | 37 | number |
Size of the spinner |
type | Plane | string |
Style type of the spinner |
- CircleFlip
- Bounce
- Wave
- WanderingCubes
- Pulse
- ChasingDots
- ThreeBounce
- Circle
- 9CubeGrid
- WordPress
- FadingCircle
- FadingCircleAlt
- Arc
- ArcAlt
- ThreeBounce
- More to come...
Contributors welcomed, submit a PR to add a missing type :)
IOS spinners made possible with the awesome work of Ramon Torres SpinKit-ObjC