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Just want a small enough library to query DOM for micro projects instead of including the entire jQuery.
- Imitating jQuery function, so that is easier for people who already familiar with jQuery.
- Only have necessary core functions to access DOM (Traverse, query, apply CSS, DOM positioninig, and probably some DOM manipulation and events handling)
- It won't be a direct drop-in for jQuery (e.g. Zepto)
- 2015-03-17 : Version 0.1
- 2015-02-10 : Work in progress
Inspired by the following links:
- http://jquery.com/
- http://www.sitepoint.com/jquery-vs-raw-javascript-1-dom-forms/
- https://github.com/szarouski/lodash.dom-traverse/
- https://github.com/ctult/TinyDOM
- https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator
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