I'm a Software Engineer from Bangladesh, having 4+ years of software development experience.
➮ I prefer MVC, MVVM, GetX pattern (by Kauê Murakami), BLoC pattern, for the folder & file structure.
➮ In addition to that, I use Provider, GetX, or BLoC package for app state management.
➮ Whereas for the back-end services, I completely rely on RESTful API, Firebase, and Parseplatform.
➮ Depending on the project requirement, I use `shared_preferences`, `get_storage`, `sqflite` or `hive` for local data storage.
☞ Connect with me: LinkedIn ☜
☞ Hire me for your next project: [email protected] ☜
🔭 : I’m currently searching for new Projects
👯 : I want to contribute as Flutter Developer
👨💻 : Few of my projects are available at My GitHub
📫 : How to reach me [email protected]
🔬 : My publication at IEEE Region 10 - HTC
⚡ : Fun fact I love playing video games (CS:GO)