This goal of this project is to take in information about sporting events I have attended and return information about the games and players I have seen.
- Takes in my sports attended CSV and separates them by major sport league
- Currently working on NBA games as my starting point, will move on to MLB afterward, then likely either NCAA football, basketball, and baseball. Priority will be determined by the amount of games I have attended for the sake of having good dinner.
- Created DataFrame showing how many teams in a professional league I have seen play, as well as amount of stadiums/arenas I have been to
- Pulled box scores and general game information for all games attended
- Created DataFrames containing information of players I have seen with the following achievements:
- Hall of Fame
- League Most Valuable Player
- All-NBA Team
- NBA All-Star Team
- Defensive Player of the Year
- Created a dictionary of DataFrames including all box scores and general game information for every game. General game information includes attendance, length of game, game venue, and date.
- Created summary DataFrames for the following player information:
- Players seen stats totaled
- Players seen stats averaged
- Best performances seen by Game Score (
- Created DataFrames for the aggregate information:
- Win/Loss records for all teams seen
- Win/Loss records for all players seen
- Win/Loss records for home and away teams seen