Various bits of Scala that could be useful for any project.
LimitedExecution and implementations that can wrap functions that return futures and limit the number of functions that are running.
Hashing algorithms for various object types
IO-related classes. Notably the package includes the function stringToInputStream
that will create an InputStream
for a string that can greatly aid testing in this area.
Notably includes IdIterator for generating a unique sequence of ids.
ImplicitOrdering has ordering of LocalDateTime.
Now is a trait that gives the current date time. AdvancingNow is an implementation useful for testing.
For setting a fixed time use:
import io.mdcatapult.util.time.nowUtc
val currentTime =
val time: Now = () => currentTime
Includes an implementation of HMRC's logback json logger licenced under Apache 2.0.
Build was unavailable for scala 2.13 so code is included directly. To use it add the class to your logback.xml file.
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="io.mdcatapult.util.logger.JsonEncoder"/>
To add arbitrary fields to the log output you need to use Logback Mapped Diagnostic Contexts.
import org.slf4j.MDC
MDC.put("a-message", "my message")
MDC.put("another-message", """"{"a-key": "a-value"}"""")
You can add these fields at any time before you output the log message.
The sbt-dependency-check plugin can be used to create a HTML report under target/scala-x.x/dependency-check-report.html
sbt dependencyCheck
Make sure your ~/.sbt/.credentials
file is set up correctly.
realm=GitLab Packages Registry
to point to the gitlab internal package repo. ie
Ask SE for the actual ID you should use. You may need to set it in any env within your run config in your IDE.
If updating sbt packages, compiling or running tests inside your IDE you will need to add the env var to the sbt setup within it. For example, for intellij
go to the settings and add the env var in the Environment Variables
field via Build, Execution, Deployment
> Build Tools
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license, which can be found in the repository as LICENSE.txt