Initialize (first time only):
mvn validate
mvn clean package -DskipTests
docker build:
docker build --tag trifork/medcom-gateway:<tag> .
docker run:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name gw trifork/medcom-gateway:<tag>
build and push to dockerhub
Verify that unit tests run using mvn clean install
Verify that the integration test is successful: Run which spawns local test-container setup including all edelivery components.
Optionally: toggle breakpoints to inspect SMP configuration, in-flight messages in Domibus console etc.
Upload image to docker hub using the
script (Notice: may fail on first run until required
maven dependencies are downloaded). Fetch the new build tag from
and update the Kubernetes configuration.
Sync to KIT environment on
(Login using "External deployment")
After releasing it is good practice to execute the KitEnvIT
, which also verifies DDS integration (that metadata is
registered correctly, and that the stored document matches the one sent to the gateway).
- Kubernetes configuration:
- Argo management: (login as "External")
Domibus instances are located here:
- DDS:
- Gateway:
Notice that Domibus instances have been seen to lose their configuration from time to time if they are sync'ed
using Argo management. In such cases, they will need to have uploaded pmode at truststore manually. The currently
valid pmode is listed in src/test/resources/ap-tomcat/pmodes/
, and the required truststore is in
(pwd '1'). Also, nagivate
to "Message Filter" in the ap-domibus console and press "Save" in order to enable the JMS plugin.
After having configured both Domibus instances, the configuration can be verified by sending the message in src/test/resources/ap-tomcat/test-messages/dds-to-gateway-2021-06-23.xml to the dds endpoint. This message should be forwarded to ap-gateway, and a response should arrive a few minutes after.