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Linux UEFI Validation Distribution


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This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-luv
layer, which is the layer containing all the components necessary to
build the Linux UEFI Validation distribution.

Please see the corresponding sections below for details.


Please submit any patches against the meta-luv layer to the luv mailing
list ([email protected]) and cc: the maintainer:


The intention of this section is to provide a set of names that we can rely on
for helping in patch reviews and questions.
These names are additional recipients for emails sent to [email protected]

NOTE: Please avoid private emails.

Descriptions of section entries:

	M: Maintainer's Full Name <address@domain>
	T: Git tree location.

General Project Administration
M: Megha Dey <[email protected]>
R: Ricardo Neri <[email protected]>

M: Megha Dey <[email protected]>
R: Ricardo Neri <[email protected]>

M: Naresh Bhat <[email protected]>

Table of Contents

    I. Executing ACPI NFIT destructive tests
   II. Use of Netconsole in LUV
  III. Obtaining debug information
   IV. Other LUV boot parameters
    V. Submitting results to a remote location
   VI. Add parameters to disable/enable the testsuites independently

I. Executing ACPI NFIT destructive tests

The NDCTL test suite includes a batch of destructive tests. These are
disabled by default. If the user wants to execute these destructive
tests, the luv.nfit-destructive option needs to be passed as a kernel
parameter. This can be done by adding this option to the grub linux
command that loads the Linux kernel. The file to implement this change
is EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg located in the bootable partition of the LUV

II. Use of Netconsole in LUV

Netconsole is a Linux feature and a kernel module that sends all
kernel log messages to a remote machine over the network. It does not
have all overwhelming userspace messages and pretty convenient when
a serial console is unavailable. Netconsole (network console) is just
an alternative to serial console.

Why Netconsole?
As already stated, it comes in handy when no serial console is
available and, importantly, it is a powerful kernel debugging tool.
It sends the kernel log messages(dmesg)to a different machine over
UDP packets and helps in debugging when there is system hang.

Why in LUV?
LUV is used to test systems for any firmware issues and there is
a possibility that the system may hang during the execution of LUV.
It is very important that LUV gets the debug information
to narrow down the causes and provide support to its users.

Usage in LUV
In order to make use of the netconsole feature in LUV users must be
aware of its usage.

The current release of luv-netconsole could support Linux and Microsoft
Windows hosts and remote machines. However, at the moment it is only
possible to make changes in the grub.cfg file using a Linux system.
This file is available in the second partition of the image mounted
or flashed in a USB stick.

Choose the IP address and port number where you want all messages
to be sent to. Once decided, you can replace the dummy IP address and
port number given in grub.cfg as luv_netconsole=,64001
(the IP address and port number respectively).

The grub.cfg file is located in boot partition. The location is
EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg. Edit the file to meet the needs of netconsole.

On the remote machine, use netcat or nc to listen all the messages
that are being sent:

   $ netcat -l -u <port number> (or)  nc -l -u <port number>
   $ netcat -l -u 64001

Usage in Bits
Implementation of luv_netconsole in BITS helps us capture the BITS log, thus
achieving fully automated network debugging support in LUV. However, the usage
of netconsole in BITS varies slightly as luv-netconsole in LUV provides the
support by sending the messages via UDP, whereas BITS only
supports sending the debug info via TCP socket.

On the remote machine, use netcat as usual and since UDP is not supported, get
rid of '-u' option.

   $ netcat -l <port number> (or) nc -l <port number>
   $ netcat -l 64001

Steps on how to get IP address and choose port number
On your terminal do

   $ ifconfig

Look for interfaces like eth0, eth1, lo and wlan0. All the ethernet
interfaces are eth0, eth1 .., and lo is the loopback interface
(system uses to communicate with itself), and wireless interfaces
are wlan0, wlan1 etc. There can be interfaces (usually unamed by user
while setting up) other than the ones mentioned here.

Now look for 'inet addr' in available interfaces other than lo. If
you want to use wireless network look in 'wlan' interfaces, or look in
ethernet 'eth' interfaces etc.

inet addr is the IP address we are looking for.

Choose port numbers which are not reserved for any kernel activities
like 4000's and above. port 64001 is chosen in luv-netconsole.

III. Obtaining debug information

Sometimes is the execution of tests may end unexpectedly. In this kind
of situations could be useful to see how much the test manager
progresses and, maybe, identify the offending test case. To enable
this option, you need to add luv.debug in the parameters that grub
passes to Linux via the linux command. The grub configuration file
is located in EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg in the test results partition (the
first partition you see in the LUV disk).

When luv.debug is enabled, the LUV test manager will leave a file
named luv-debug.log inside the time-stamped directory luv-results-
yyyy-mm-dd--hh-mm--ss with the debug data it collected.

IV. Other LUV boot parameters

These parameters can be also added to the linux kernel command line
to alter the default behaviour of LUV.
    Do not start the LUV test suite after booting
    Force LUV to believe it has been booted over a network.
    (Currently this only sets test output to /tmp/luv-storage)
    Halts the machine after tests have completed. (Calls /sbin/halt)
    Reboots the machine after tests have completed (Calls /sbin/reboot)
    Halts and powers off the machine after tests have completed.
    (Calls /sbin/poweroff)
    User wants to enable the telemetrics feature. By doing so, they are
    agreeing to send data to our server for further analysis.By default,
    feature is disabled.
    This kernel parameter will tell us if we are in a regular boot.If so,
    we have to prepare everything in case there is a kernel crash in the
    future. Unlike the other LUV boot parameters, this one is not intended
    to be used directly.
    This kernel parameter will enable the pstore_crash_test test of the
    pstore-test suite. This test will cause a reboot post which the
    pstore_post_reboot_tests would run. Without this parameter, only the
    pstore_tests test would run.

V. Submitting results to a remote location

When LUV boots via network (netboot), there is no way of storing the results
as there is no presence of physical media. It can be useful if there is a way to
store the results such as sending them to a central location over network.
Sending the results over network can only be possible if LUV knows where the
results should be sent to. One possible way is to store the results to a
website/server. LUV should have the information about the website/server like an

LUV_STORAGE_URL is a parameter in the file 'luv.cfg' that stores the URL of a
website/server. One has to make sure that the url is functional and the server
is accessible to the admin/user to retrieve the results. When this parameter is
invalid, LUV will not have the capability of sending the test results to the
desired location (website/server).

Configuring a server to gather test results
The format of the parameter LUV_STORAGE_URL typically looks like this
LUV_STORAGE_URL=http://ipaddress/cgi-bin/upload.php (as mentioned in luv.cfg)

The website/server that is going to store the results is a HTTP server and at
the moment LUV does not have the capability of resolving the hostname in to an
ipaddress and thus, it is necessary to provide an IP address. If you are not
sure on how to get the ipaddress please follow
'Steps on how to get IP address and choose port number' in section IV.

It is always good and recommended to have a destined directory/folder
specifically for storing results. The path of this destined folder/directory is
listed in a script (upload.php) that is in the cgi-bin directory. This script is
responsible for uploads using HTTP POST method.

User/developer has to make sure that upload.php script is present in cgi-bin

$ cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
/usr/lib/cgi-bin$ ls

If you do not have a server setup or do not have a upload.php script, please
follow the documentation

Configuring a LUV client

Diskboot: In diskboot image, one can edit the 'luv.cfg' file manually by
following then same format as mentioned above.

Note: Editing is possible only in Linux systems as luv.cfg is available in boot
(second) partiton of the disk.

Netboot: In netboot image, a script is employed to edit as netboot image is an
EFI binary and is available in meta-luv/utils/

$ cd meta-luv/utils/
meta-luv/utils$ ls

For the usage of the script please follow the instructions at page.

VI. Add parameters to disable/enable the testsuites independently
While the boot parameter "noluv" disables all the testsuites, LUV does
not provide any parameter that explicitly enables/disables a specific testsuite.
To provide such flexibility of enabling or disabling any specific testsuite(s),
we need a parameter that lets user choose to run or to skip just by editing the
luv.cfg file.

Add a parameter in luv.cfg called "LUV_TESTS" that stores a set of strings,
each string representing the individual testsuites. All the testsuites are
enabled by default and disable a testsuite by removing the string that
represents the testsuite when needed.

Netboot: In netboot image, a script is employed to edit as netboot image is an
EFI binary and is available in meta-luv/utils/

$ cd meta-luv/utils/
meta-luv/utils$ ls


Linux UEFI Validation Distribution







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