API for a pizza delivery company. Users can add item to cart and checkout using stripe external api. Receipts are being emailed through mailgun.
All data is needed to be sent in json format. Every property value is a string.
Method: post, Required data: fullName, email, streetAddress, password, Optional data: none
Method: put, Required data: email, token(in header), Optional data: fullName, streetAdress, password (at least one req.)
Method: delete, Required data: email, token(in header), Optional data: none
Method: post, Required data: email, password, Optional data: none
Method: delete, Required data: id, Optional data: none
Method: get, Required data: email, token(in header), Optional Data: none
Method: put, Required data: itemId, quantity, token(in header), Optional data: none
Method: get, Required data: token(in header), Optional data: none
Method: delete, Required data: token(in header), Optional data: none
Method: post, Required data: stripeToken, token(in header), Optional data: none
Command | Description |
exit | Kill the CLI (and the rest of the application) |
man | Show this help page |
help | Alias of the "man" command |
stats | Get statistics on the underying operating system and resource utilization |
menu | Show a list of all the menu items |
list orders | Show a list all the orders in the system in the last 24 hours |
more order info --{orderId} | Show details of a specified order |
list users | Show a list of all the users signed up in the last 24 hours |
more user info --{emailId} | Show details of a specified user |