- 🔭 I’m currently working as an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen and a researcher at the Neurobiology Research Unit at Copenhagen University Hospital. My research focuses on the application of medical image processing and machine learning to clinical medical image data, mostly neuroscientific data (PET & MRI). Additionally, I aim to embrace Open Science principles in my research and am hence involved in data sharing initiatives such as the Brain Imaging Data Structure.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything related to the Brain Imaging Data Structure, be it developing new extensions to the standard or implementing applications based on it. Furthermore, I work within magnetic resonance imaging and motion correction and applying it in the clinic.
- 💅 Active community member of: BIDS, OpenNeuroPET
- 💬 Ask me about the Brain Imaging Data Structure, specifically it's postiron emission tomography extension.
- 📫 How to reach me: ganz AT di.ku.dk or mganz AT nru.dk
- 🌐 Updating my personal website with updates about my work on Personal Homepage
- 🐦 Tweeting about neuroscience and the brain on Twitter
- 💼 Connecting and sharing professional updates on LinkedIn